
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 20, 2020

#FrontlinersFirst to provide subsidised childcare services to MOH frontliners


CORONAVIRUS | In the midst of the movement control order (MCO), social movement Projek Wawasan Rakyat (Powr) is collaborating with professional childcare agency Kiddocare to provide subsidised childcare to frontliners still working to contain the pandemic.
The program, called #FrontlinersFirst, aims at providing Health Ministry staff with urgent childcare requirements during the MCO at a subsidised price with the cooperation of the two organisations.
Program coordinator Dr Siti Noor Munirah Ibrahim said Kiddocare had agreed to reduce their rates for Health Ministry frontliners while Powr aims to raise funds to support at least 50 percent of the costs.
To this end, she said Powr is seeking generous sponsors and donations to help fund this project to keep childcare costs at a minimal for frontliners and if the group can raise more funds, they could offer even larger subsidies.
"Malaysians have been amazing, I have had non-stop calls since the word was out and funds are pouring in.
"Our team are working to make the funds available for public to see to ensure transparency and trust in our project.
"If we can get more funds, we will try to either reduce costs further or support mothers of other essential services as well," Noor Munirah told Malaysiakini.
Noor Munirah, who graduated as a family medicine specialist in the UK and is currently working at an NGO as a hospice doctor, said the program initially stemmed from her frustration with the recent political changes.
Spurred by the events, she joined Powr to see how she could help create positive change.
When the MCO was announced, Powr at first considered getting food to the frontliners, but they later found out that childcare issues were more critical during the MCO due to schools being closed, she said.
"As a mother of four children myself, I know how important it is to have reliable childcare so I can go to work at ease," she said.
She said her fellow coordinator Nathaniel Tan was the one who got in contact with Kiddocare and convinced them to reduce their rates and collaborate with Powr. Another collaborator is Debbie Choa from social enterprise Projek 57 who also got Powr in touch with Kiddocare, she added.
For Health Ministry staff who are interested in the program, please either contact Powr through 013-5933496 (Nadirah) or Kiddocare at 019-8830175.
Those who are interested in donating to this program are welcome to do so through Bank Islam 14023010011219 and reference the donation as "FrontlinersFirst" to allow them to track the donations accurately.
Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had announced the MCO on March 16. The MCO came into force on March 18 and is expected to last until March 31.
Noor Munirah later said they are increasing their subsidies to 75 percent of the childcare costs. - Mkini

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