
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 23, 2020

Pimpinan Ayatollah Bawa Bencana : Setiap 10 Minit Seorang Maut Korona, Mesej Utk MKN

Ayatollah Khamenei would never accept aid from enemy US
Tehran announced 129 new deaths
Khameini said : “No one trusts you. You can bring drug that will keep virus alive..”

Iran worst hit by COVID-19 illness 
latest "official" death toll 1,685
More than 1,028 new cases in 24 hours 
total of 21,638 now tested positive 

Trump said Washington ready to help Iran fight virus 

Khamenei reiterated rejection
charging Washington “capable” of intensify epidemic in Islamic republic
“America is our most ferocious and vicious enemy,” Khamenei said 

Khamenei said “Almighty God will put an end to this calamity.”.

Tehran district reported 249 new cases 
province of Yazd 84 new patients 
“could become new focus of disease in coming days”

My comments : Here is a video. It shows the attitude of some delusional Iranians who have too much faith in licking physical objects. The licking guy says he will not get the Corona virus. Or AIDS or whatever.

Maybe this licking was allowed during the early part of the Corona crisis in Iran.

The Iranian figures are extremely highly questionable. 
If the tablig guys were lying about the corona virus, well meet the Iranians. 

Weeks ago some western guys were analysing that the infections in Iran may have passed 50,000 cases.

Now the "official" figures say it is 21,000 total cases.
The country has a population of 83 million people. 
1% of that is 830,000.

The Iranian government lies to everyone, especially to the Iranian people.
The country is under great stress already.
This only makes things much more difficult for the people. 

We have to keep an eye on Iran.

Mesej Untuk MKN

I hope the Majlis Keselamatan Negara has got someone constantly tabulating all these Corona virus cases all over the world, especially in those countries that have strong people to people relationships with Malaysia.

Other than Iran I think Pakistan will also explode soon.
Folks, there is almost ZERO government response in Pakistan.
(I have Pakistan friends who share their WhatsApp messages.)

India is another danger zone although their government is doing some things.
Also do keep an eye on Indonesia.

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