
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 21, 2022

Frogs’ colony or frogs’ loyalty?


From Azalina Othman Said

As a strong proponent of the anti-hopping law, I am disheartened at the Cabinet’s decision to postpone the tabling of the bill to pave the way for it at this parliamentary sitting.

As I attempt to understand the Cabinet’s concerns, a few questions beg to be answered.

With the commitment to introduce the anti-hopping law, deriving from the bipartisan memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between the opposition and the government, would it not mean that the canvassing of support would be obtained as agreed and arranged in a manner similar to the passing of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) constitutional amendment, with a large majority mandate from MPs in Parliament?

Isn’t the law considered as a promissory guarantee of elected representatives to voters during an election? Aren’t the rakyat our main stakeholders, not the politicians themselves?

Wouldn’t a recall law be the best remedy for the government as a legal and conscious commitment to voters?

This is my personal view as Pengerang MP and a voter. I see the implementation of a recall law as a better remedy system, as a further refinement to the presently deliberated anti-hopping law.

The anti-hopping law, in its present form, has a few lacunas and will not suitably address the following instances:

  • MPs, alongside the party, migrate from one coalition to another,
  • MPs of a migrated party who choose to leave the migrated party to remain in the initial coalition,
  • Independent MPs who choose to join a political party,
  • MPs of a political party who leave a party to be an independent MP, and,
  • MPs who are ousted by their political party by design or by force.

In a recall law, the voters themselves will be the ones who will decide whether the crossing of the floor by an MP, whether from one party to another, from one coalition to the next, or departure to be an independent MP, is justifiable in their eyes.

If one is concerned that it will lead to vexatious and frivolous attempts to oust an MP, one need not worry. An initial petition, with a prerequisite minimum number of voters’ signatures from the constituency, will first be collected before a recall process can be initiated.

Only in a recall process will the voters of a constituency determine whether the MP concerned should vacate his or her seat.

Only upon vacating his or her seat after a successful recall will a by-election be called for.

This will certainly resolve the quandary the law minister is in at present to define what constitutes party-hopping.

If there are any reservations one would have of the recall law I am proposing here, it would be the question of cost for the Election Commission.

The recall law here encompasses a three-stage process, which invariably will cost more than the single-stage mechanism found in a conventional anti-hopping law.

We must, however, take cognisance of the obligations the government of the day has to implement an anti-hopping law. Or in any similar form, as laid down in the bipartisan MoU.

From the broader perspective, it is also vital for the nation to have an anti-hopping law in place before the 15th general election (GE15) to ensure that any post-GE15 formation of the government will remain stable, and for the ordinary voters to get on with their lives.

By the way, Umno and Barisan Nasional have never supported any delay of the bill at this parliamentary sitting.

Recent speeches by the deputy president and president during the four-day Umno general assembly show enough consistency after the Melaka and Johor state elections that Umno supports the anti-hopping law and wants to see the end of the frogs’ colony and betrayal of voters.

It is my hope that all political parties which prioritise the rights of voters openly support the anti-hopping law, consider having the recall law, and speak out regarding the delays.

As elected representatives, we have been mandated by voters to uphold democracy and, in this aspect, our voices should be united.

Enough of all the anti-hopping law hype. Enough of going back and forth in multiple “sesi libat urus”. The august House is the “House of the People”, not a sanctuary for frogs! -FMT

Azalina Othman Said is the Barisan Nasional MP for Pengerang.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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