
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Johor Election Results : The Country Is Doomed, The Opposition Can Jump Into The Sea

 The political situation in Malaysia is actually perfect for Opposition politicians. The country is so completely screwed up. Everything about the government, the economy, the politics, the corruption, the education system, the health system, the country's immigration policies, the security of the country are all just screwed up.   

They cannot handle predictable year end floods, they give nonsensical excuses to cut down forest reserves, the spending on the Covid vaccines is a mystery and a secret. It just goes on and on. There are so many 'bola tanggung' or high balls for the Opposition to just reach up and smash down.

But the Opposition is so damned stupid!


Well the results of the Johor State Elections of 12th March 2022 are final. It is really bad news. The kleptocrats are back. Here is what I think.

First the results :

The DAP has won 10 seats, PKR's sole winner is a Chinese rep and four MCA reps have won. I count that as 15 "Chinese" seats (although I have not checked all the DAP winners). This is to say that the Chinese reps / Chinese parties make up 26% of the 56 member Johor State Assembly. 26% is slightly higher than the percentage of Chinese in the population. The Chinese voters are savvy and may I thank them personally for that. We need this mix.

The Malay voters have gone haywire, all over the place. Hence the following stats:

The voter turnout was indeed low. About 50+%.  Only 599,999 voted for the BN or 42% of the turnout. Or 23% of the total voters. So just one quarter of the total registered voters can determine the future of Johor.

Lucky shot : The other Malay votes were split among the circus of Malay opposition parties. Macam Melayu baru belajar buat parti. Amanah, Bersatu, Pejuang, Pas and to an extent PKR and Muda. Pas, PKR, Amanah and Muda won one seat each - which I term as lucky.  Muda's candidate carried her own popularity. 

Pejuang : Pejuang was a total wipeout. Mukhriz Mahathir says Pejuang lost in ALL their 42 seats in Johor because the people still do not know the party.  Well Mukhriz has to say something. Quite obviously Pejuang is a non starter. And they are oblivious to this fact.

PKR : PKR has really outlived its usefulness. Their sole winner was a Chinese candidate. PKR has obviously lost the support of the Malays. Brader Anwar has one choice. He is obviously not going to win anything on his own. Or even with Pakatan Harapan. Sudah melepasi expiry date. Forget about becoming the PM. He can approach Umno for an election pact. (Do read on.) He has to forget about becoming the PM but with an election pact with UMNO, PKR can have some extension to their shelf life. Maybe one PKR rep can be in the Cabinet. But Brader Anwar himself has to stay out of the Cabinet.   Can still help direct-nego projects lah.

(Why is this possible? Have you forgotten the two kleptocrats signing that letter of support for brader Anwar to be PM? Malaysians have such short memories kah? Or have you forgotten that brader Anwar was willing to take in those katak lompat fellows in Melaka. Sudah lupa kah? Semua pintu boleh masuk-lah - depan, belakang, tepi, semua boleh.)

Bersatu : Bersatu is another end of shelf life party. Without Dr Mahathir and without a president who is a prime minister the party can secure only two seats in Johor. Right now Bersatu still has a solid grip on ismail Sabri because Bersatu's 38 MP's support UMNO and Ismail Sabri. So in today's Parliament, Bersatu still has major say. 

As long as Parliament is not dissolved, Bersatu has clout. And no one can try to disrupt the corruption trials of the two wankers. But if Parliament is dissolved there goes Bersatu's clout. And it will also be the end of Ismail Sabri. And also the end of Parti Kuasa Rakyat. Hello brader Kamarazaman. Long time we no power.

Voter turnout in Johor : It looks like the low voter turnout in Johor has helped BN/UMNO plenty. On the other hand a higher turnout could also have delivered a higher victory for UMNO. We cannot say. Just like Singapore could have developed even better if UMNO ruled Singapore. We just cannot say. (But we can laugh).

On the other hand many people did not go out to vote because the Johor elections do not change anything in Parliament. The Federal government remains the same. 

But come the next General Elections more people will go out to vote. We cannot say if UMNO/BN will perform as well in a General Election. The Malay vote will still be split.  The Chinese voters are savvy.

If Ismail Sabri leads Umno they will not be able to win big. Or if the kleptos are let loose. If Mohamed Hassan leads Umno, they stand a much better chance. It depends a lot on who leads Umno. Hence Umno can use the extra "help". Hence my suggestion for brader Anwar to build a single lane, pedestrian bridge to link up with Umno. Jangan kepala besar sangat. Kepala kecik pun jangan. Ikut pintu tepi saja-lah. 

The Opposition is so damned stupid

I really cannot believe the Opposition in Malaysia. I was reading some of their campaign speeches and stuff. They were all unsubstantial, time wasting crap. I cannot recall anything substantial they may have said. It was all a continuous series of 'aku mengata kau, kau mengata aku'.

Not one of them said anything useful about how to turn the country around or what are THEIR SPECIFIC AGENDAS for the people. NONE at all.

About a week back there was this shocker about yet another government granted monopoly (I hope to say something about this new monopoly as well).


The government is setting up another government licensed monopoly - this time for book procurement. The bookshops are complaining that it will choke off their business as well.

These are real issues. The high prices of chicken is still a relevant issue. The whole system of government appointed monopolies is making the people poor. Yet no one brought up these issues. Not that I know of. 

Why? Because even the Opposition folks are not totally against government granted monopolies. If they get into power they want to put their own friends in charge of these government licensed monopolies. That is all. 

Do you notice how the Opposition has gone totally quiet about the Sedition Act? Before 2018 they were kicking and screaming about abolishing the Sedition Act. Then they won the General Elections in 2018 and ruled the country for 22 months. Did they abolish the Sedition Act? No. They KIVed it for about three months. After that they put it back in place.  

Now if they complain about the Sedition Act again they will look even more stupid. So they do not talk about it any longer.

That is the Opposition that we have today.

They have no specific agenda to offer the people. Ok there is no need to go and print a 100 page manifesto which you cannot deliver. 

But how about putting out a clear and precise TEN POLICY Platforms that you want to implement. Just TEN MAIN POLICY points. Which is geared 100% towards helping the rakyat.

No need to Save the Whales, no need to Save the Sex Lives of the Polar Bears etc. Just focus here on Malaysia, focus on our people.

YB Liew Chin Tong, the man with vision in the DAP, will the DAP liberalise the banking and financial system or not? Please answer  yes or no?

Hello Pejuang, boleh batal tol tak? Ok if you cannot abolish 100% toll roads can you reduce the tolls by 30%? Or 20%  ? Please answer yes or no. Please dont say tolls will be abolished only for the FOURTH national car !!

So where are the Opposition's major policy issues which they not only must have but which must be different from the present 50 year old failed and unworkable policies of the BN?

Which is why the Opposition cannot win the elections anymore. You had 22 months in power where you did  N O T H I N G for the people. So the people kicked you out in SEVEN by ELECTIONS. Yes I will keep reminding you.  

The people are now saying : What is the difference between the BN or the Pakatan or whoever else? They are all the same. No difference.

So why not vote for the devil we know instead of the devil we dont know?

You are all the same. The Opposition does not have anything new to present to the people.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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