
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 27, 2022





The Pakistani Ship-of-State has already sunk. Well actually it has been scuttled from within. Scuttled means they opened a hole in the bottom of the ship and let water fill up and sink their ship. 

Tomorrow 28 March 2022 the Pakistani parliament (or National Assembly) will take a vote of no confidence on prime minister Imran Khan who has failed so miserably as a prime minister over the past four years.

Pakistani labourers and road sweepers began appearing in Malaysia AFTER Imran khan became prime minister.

Over the past four years the Pakistani Rupee has gone from Rp123 to the US Dollar to its present rate of Rp182 to the US Dollar -  a 'collapse' of almost 48%. 

Of course much blame has been heaped on Imran Khan. But Pakistan has become a basket case long before Imran Khan. Here is IMF data about Pakistan's GDP growth (and inflation rate) over the past 42 years, since 1980 :


The red line is GDP growth. Since 1980 the trend in their GDP growth is downwards. At best their historical GDP growth chart is a sawtooth, tilted downward. That is Pakistan.

I sometimes listen to what their politicians are saying. They speak rubbish. They are ghundher fellows (samseng or gangsters), just like many of our politicians. They do not talk about empowering the people. Just like here no Pakistani prime minister asks the people if they are better off today than they were five years ago (referring the last general elections). 

Their leaders do not seem to care about the people. Politics is just a weapon to enrich themselves and their cronies. To steal money from the people.

Plus Pakistan is an Islamic country. There is no hope for Pakistan. All Islamic countries are in deep sh_t, including Malaysia and Indonesia. Indonesian president Jokowi is building good infrastructure  and is guiding Indonesia towards a modern secular society. But that part remains to be fully seen. Its a long haul. Plus Indonesia needs plenty more infrastructure.

Malaysia has a secret weapon which can save us which I will not share here for now. But sadly all Islamic countries have undoubtedly failed.

After the vote of no confidence tomorrow the Pakistani parliament has three to seven days to debate the vote. This is strange. One would assume they would debate the motion first, prior to taking the Vote of No Confidence, not after the vote. And this is where I think their street mobs will burn tyres and buses. It is going to be rock and roll again in Pakistan over the next few days.

Whether Imran Khan stays as prime minister or is removed the fate of Pakistan is not going to change. No one has an idea now who can be the replacement prime minister but again it does not matter. Pakistan is doomed. 

The Pakistani rupee will likely sink below Rp 200 to the US Dollar.  The money changers should start unloading any Pakistani Rupees now.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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