
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 13, 2022

PRN Johor Has Proven The Theory I Have Been Propagating


Hello, even imams and priests will not want to be imams and priests if you do not pay them. They also need to eat. Do you think imams and priests will work for free and wait for their reward in heaven after they die? It’s all about money, money, money, lah, not about pleasing God.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

For years I have been telling politicians that voters are fickle and selfish. They vote based on their own interests and not based on YOUR interest.

Okay, so Najib Razak is a crowd-puller and everywhere he goes the groupies throng him. But do you really think they are there for the sake of the perjuangan? If they had to korban their own money, their jobs, their homes, or their lives, would they still come out to mob Najib?

They cannot even korban a little bit due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They condemn the government, call it kerajaan gagal, and ask that the prime minister be toppled.

They demand bantuan kerajaan, demand that they be allowed to withdraw all the EPF money, and much more. Malaysians can never korban and suffer a little bit without turning their backs on the perjuangan.

The only reason they voted for Pakatan Harapan in 2018 was because they were promised a land of milk and honey and streets paved in gold. When that did not happen, they turned their backs on Pakatan Harapan.

The voters did not vote for YOU, they voted for themselves.

Do not be so impressed with Najib’s groupies. Some are there out of curiosity, but most are there because they are paid to be there.

Do you think those unemployed Malay Mat Rempit will travel all over Malaysia to cheer for Najib at every event at their own cost? You need to provide an allowance, duit minyak, food, hotel, and so on, to get the crowd. Stop paying them and see how many will turn up? Semua duitlah!

The voters might vote for you in one election, but in the next election they might vote the other way. See what happened in 1995, 1999, 2004 and 2008. The voters swung one way and then the other way each election.

The 2018 general election was seen as the end of Umno-Barisan Nasional — doomsday. Now we are seeing a gelombang biru or blue wave, and GE15 may signal the return of Umno-Barisan Nasional.

Most politicians talk too much. But the politician who puts his/her money where his/her mouth is will ultimately win the votes. If you want my vote or support, then pay me. No need to promise me heaven after death because I need to eat now, not after I am dead. Anyway, I am not even sure if heaven exists or not.

Hello, even imams and priests will not want to be imams and priests if you do not pay them. They also need to eat. Do you think imams and priests will work for free and wait for their reward in heaven after they die? It’s all about money, money, money, lah, not about pleasing God.

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