
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 27, 2022

Rafizi's "Gimme Your Money"

 Rafizi Ramli has launched another fundraiser. It is called Ayuh Malaysia. 

First off it is minus Brader Anwar - which in the waning days of the PKR is a good thing. It does feature the more photogenic daughter Nurul Izzah - which in the waning days of the PKR is a good thing. 

Considering the considerable number of Indians who make up the backbone of the PKR the word 'Ayuh' sounds too close to 'Aiyyo'.  Like 'Aiyyo Paambu' which means 'Aiyyo snake!' (I do have a way with words dont I? Angkat sikit saja-lah.)

Eating junk food in a convenience store? Usaha kita ?

I read the ayuhmalaysia material. It has multiple references to "sumbang, sumbang sekarang, perbelanjaan, sumbangan kewangan, mereka ada wang, anda menyumbang, ingin menyumbang, maklumat perbankan, FPX, e-Wallet".

Most certainly a fund raiser. Perhaps you could have saved all that verbiage with the "simplicity" of the Simpsons:

Brader Rafizi, 
Invoke punya old accounts sudah siap kah? There are people who keep bitching about that.

I read through the Dasar Radikal. They sound like afterthoughts and Band Aid fixes.

                               A temporary solution that does not deal with the cause of a problem

Brader Rafizi, your suggested solutions are suggesting even more interference in  market forces - which is why the country is in such deep trouble in the first place.

I read your suggestions for "Perumahan Mampu Milik" where you say "pemaju membina rumah dengan margin yang tinggi untuk keuntungan sendiri" ??

Habis pemaju nak buat rumah untuk keuntungan siapa lagi ? That is called private enterprise lah. You must make a profit. If you cannot make a profit then why take all that risk and go into business in the first place?

Then you say "Kaedah pembinaan lapuk bergantung kepada penggunaan bahan yang berlebihan" ???

I say bro, are you suggesting the house builders should cut corners? Use less building materials? This is like yarfa'u qawaaida minal bayti or "raised the foundation on top of the house". Not a strong and stable construction technique.

Then you say it again 'pemaju mengutip hasil daripada projek yang belum siap .."

Bro, ko ni fahaman komunis ke? What is your problem with people making profit sebelum projek siap? 

On the other side of the coin (since you are talking a lot about money) if you are suggesting that the pemaju should not mengutip hasil daripada projek yang belum siap then can you also ensure that the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri will not levy cukai pendapatan on the pemaju until their projek siap? 

Because as things are now, projek siap atau belum siap we still have to submit audited accounts and file our tax returns with the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri. And the LHDN can ask the pemaju to pay taxes - even before the projek siap. Depa tak peduli bro. So how?

Then you talk about Renewable Energy.  Renewable energy is not on anyone's mind or concern bro. It is jobs, jobs, jobs. 21st century opportunities.

Under Jaminan Makanan  you suggest 'pertanian vertikal dan pertanian bandar'

It sounds like you got that idea from some YouTube video lah. It is a non starter here. 

The problem with Malaysia is that for the past 52 years the efficient functioning of the market economy has been steadily and seriously eroded by political intervention for predatory and political survival purposes. 

The cost of doing business in Malaysia for Mr Ordinary Entrepreneur  is very high, there are too many barriers to entry into just about any sector of the economy (and they are usually race based barriers).  

  • Hence the economy has been mortally wounded. 
  • Hence more Malay youngsters end up in the gig economy. 
  • Ultimately yang miskin dulu is orang Melayu. Orang Melayu miskin dulu.
  • All this must be undone. 
  • Change in policies is paramount. 
  • No need for paradigm shifts. 
  • Just remove the shackles.

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