
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 8, 2022

What’s Really Behind The Johor State Election


So the PRN Johor is not about ‘kestabilan’ in the Johor state assembly, as they are telling us. It is about showing who are still the bosses, and the reason why Najib and Zahid need to be saved from going to jail. And to do that, Tok Mat needs to take over as the new prime minister.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The top news today is the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Everything and everyone are involved and affected — from Netflix to Amex to football.

Most Malaysians (due to their poor education) do not really understand why Russia invaded Ukraine. The excuse Putin gave is that Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity are suffering persecution and discrimination (hence Russia needs to invade Ukraine to protect them). In fact, that was the same excuse Hitler gave for invading Poland (to protect the Germans in Poland).

Let me just say that the reason Putin invaded Ukraine was the same reason for the Cuban Missile Crisis exactly 60 years ago in 1962. And it involved the US and NATO bullying and threatening Russia (that time USSR). Hence Nikita Khrushchev had to checkmate President Kennedy into backing off, or else risk WWIII, and this time it would be a nuclear war.

So, wars are not always for the official reason we are told. They might say one thing, but the real reason will be something else altogether. And the same for the PRN Johor or the Johor state election.

The official reason for the Johor election this Saturday is that Umno wants ‘kestabilan’. Umno’s majority in the Johor state assembly is too small, so that makes the Johor state government unstable, and there are many things they want to do but can’t because they lack a strong majority.

READ MORE HERE: Looming Battle Royale to take control of Umno

What are the things they want to do but are prevented from doing because they do not have a strong majority in the Johor state assembly? Have they given us a list? It is an invisible list of things they want to do but cannot unless they have a strong majority in the Johor state assembly. And how do you achieve kestabilan by creating political instability?

That is like the reason why Hitler invaded Poland and Putin invaded Ukraine — or for the Cuban Missile Crisis. It is all about a show of strength. Tunku Abdul Rahman and Lee Kuan Yew played this same game resulting in Singapore separating from Malaysia.

Najib and Zahid are dissapointed that Ismail Sabri is not helping them stay out of jail

Najib Tun Razak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi are not happy with Ismail Sabri Yaakob (for the same reason they were not happy with Muhyiddin Yassin). Najib and Zahid are most likely going to lose their court cases and may end up in jail. And Ismail Sabri, just like Muhyiddin before him, refuses to hadiah them a get-out-of-jail card.

So Najib and Zahid want Mohamad Hasan a.k.a. Tok Mat to replace Ismail Sabri. They hope Tok Mat will then save them from a long jail sentence. If not, Najib and Zahid are dead men walking. There is no way they are not going to jail.

But how does Ismail Sabri save Najib and Zahid? Nasi sudah jadi bubur. You cannot turn porridge back into rice (or padi).

One way would be to appoint a ‘friendly’ attorney-general to replace Idrus Harun, who is retiring this week.

READ MORE HERE: Najib said seeking friendly AG to keep him out of jail

But then what can the new AG do? He or she cannot just drop the cases or withdraw the charges against Najib and Zahid. With the Roger Ng trial in the US and the testimony by Tim Leissner, the case against Najib seems to be getting from bad to worse. Any AG who tries to sweep the cases against Najib and Zahid under the carpet will get crucified and will be rendered pariah-for-life.

They want Tok Mat to take over as PM and save Najib and Zahid

Umno needs to jettison Najib and Zahid if it wants to remain relevant. Hence the reason for the PRN Johor. They want to prove that Najib and Zahid are still strong and relevant and that Umno cannot afford to discard them.

In fact, they hope to win not less than two-thirds of the seats in the Johor state assembly to prove a point, which is, Najib and Zahid are still the kingpins and warlords of Umno. Hence Umno needs to save Najib and Zahid, and that means Umno needs to replace Ismail Sabri with Tok Mat.

So the PRN Johor is not about ‘kestabilan’ in the Johor state assembly, as they are telling us. It is about showing who are still the bosses, and the reason why Najib and Zahid need to be saved from going to jail. And to do that, Tok Mat needs to take over as the new prime minister.

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