
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 4, 2022


 First here is Harith Iskandar with classic comments on a video which I have not seen before today.



After watching this video the point I would like to make is something I have said many times before in this blog. It has to do with the teaching of English in our schools.

I notice that among Malays who try to speak English there is a frequent mix up with gender, past tense, present tense and with the singular and the plural.

I have written twice before about people using she to refer to males and he to refer to females. This seems to be a recurring mistake.

There is also constant mix up with the use of the 's' as a suffix (at the end of the word) or not to use it, to signify the plural versus singular. 

For example : many cat or many cats, one dogs or one dog?

Woman or women? Man or men? 

In this video for example the young woman says:

"I think women is not born to be a leader". This is incorrect.

The correct English is (if singular) "I think 'a' woman is not born to be a leader"

Or, if plural, "I think women are not born to be leaders".

Also she said the following :   "so women are not born to be a leader"  which is again grammatically incorrect.

It should be (if plural) "so women are not born to be leaders"

or if singular, "so a woman is not born to be a leader"

Also the next sentence is incorrect:  "a man are born to be a leader"

If singular then it should be "a man is born to be a leader"

If plural it should be "men are born to be leaders".

There are a couple more tapi letih lah.

Then we come to the logic or content of what she said. 

Di sini saya cakap Melayu saja lah.

Sila rujuk terjemahan dua ayat Quran berikut dulu:

[Surah 27:22]  Burung hud-hud itu tidak lama ghaibnya selepas itu, lalu datang sambil berkata (kepada Nabi Sulaiman): "Aku dapat mengetahui secara meliputi akan perkara yang engkau tidak cukup mengetahuinya, dan aku datang kepadamu dari negeri Saba' dengan membawa khabar berita yang diyakini kebenarannya.

[Surah 27:23]   "Sesungguhnya aku dapati seorang perempuan memerintah mereka dan ia telah diberikan kepadanya dari tiap-tiap sesuatu dan ia pula mempunyai singgahsana yang besar.

Dalam bahasa Inggeris 

27:22   But the Hoopoe was not far: he came and said: "I have seen a country which you have not seen and I have come to you from Saba with true tidings 

27:23  I found (there) a woman ruling over them and she was provided with every thing; and she has a magnificent throne.

Ini adalah kisah Puteri negeri Saba (Queen of Sheba) pada Surah 27 atau Surah Al Naml dalam Quran. Puteri negeri Saba ini juga dikenali sebagai Puteri Balqis yang sangat famous.

Puteri negeri Saba itu (Queen of Sheba) disebut sebagai seorang pemimpin wanita yang handal, bijak dan mempunyai takhta yang kaya raya. Maksudnya dia berjaya sebagai seorang raja atau pemerintah.

Secara amnya Al Quran memberikan gambaran yang positif berkenaan Puteri negeri Saba itu (Queen of Sheba). 

Maka Al Quran memberi contoh seorang pemimpin wanita atau raja perempuan yang telah memimpin negara dan masyarakatnya dengan baik.

Tidak ada di mana pun ayat lain dalam al Quran yang membatalkan atau memanushkan al kisah Puteri negeri Saba sebagai pemimpin atas sebab dia adalah seorang wanita.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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