
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 9, 2012

Its the End of Life as only parasitic UMNO knows it as

It’s the end of history for UMNO. It’s the end of bourgeois living. It’s the end of life as defined by UMNO- the end of mindless plundering and pillage of the wealth of this country.

Our opponents accuse us of using all the available means to counter BN. the cattle thief blames his victim for reporting the theft to the police. Not to use any means available is not an option. BN controls all thought forming means and apparatuses. It controls the repressive forces of the state. UMNO/BN owns the media- visual, audio and print

So what else can we do? We bring our message direct to the people so that they can listen directly to our version of all things in Malaysia. People are not stupid. They read in between the lines and are capable of coming to their own conclusions. So why should we not use whatever means at our disposal in countering the propaganda machinery of the BN?

Our opponents are mistaken. We don’t fear UMNO/BN because we have all tasted defeat and losses. Loss and defeat are known variables to us. UMNO is the one which fears the most because it will face the unknown. When UMNO loses, it will only recover after a very long time if it does at all. That is why Mahathir is saying a change in government will mean life as the UMNO princelings know it as, will be different. It will be- because there will no longer be the pillage and plunder and the conversion of public wealth into private wealth. It will be a world without the lopsided agreements that impoverish state coffers.

That is why Najib is saying it will be the end of civilization. Of course it will be the end of civilization as defined by UMNO where the people are digits waiting to be manipulated and exploited.

As to Mahathir, he fears that if UMNO loses, then his legacy is finished. The businesses of his immediately family will be in danger. All the businesses gotten through unfair and ill-gotten means will be untangled. The business he does through proxies will at last be exposed. We will do as what Daim tells us- don’t go after the politicians, go after their business cronies. And there are a 1000 ways to skin the cat.

We will be the Freddy Kruger to UMNO and its satellite political partners.

All the lies and deceptions that were perpetrated during 22 years and the years during Abdullah Badawi and now the wavering Najib will be exposed. Support for UMNO and BN means prolonging our lives under deception, intimidation, economic deprivation and worse of all, unmitigated corruption carried out without fear of retribution. The citizens of Malaysia must all rise up and say enough to all these nonsense.

When UMNO leaders say this country will go to the dogs if PR takes over, that is the height of hypocrisy. That is a blatant lie. Why should this country be thrown into pandemonium and chaos? It’s not that with the exit of UMNO, the machineries of government will be broken up. The civil service will remain. The institutions guarding our safety from within and without will still be preserved. The economic institutions will still be there. Our judicial system will still be intact protecting our citizens from the pernicious acts of the rich and powerful. Every single component supporting the operation of a government is still there. Only UMNO isn’t. And it’s not that with UMNO being out of the picture, no one else can govern. After all, UMNO is full of half past and mediocre standard leaders who are easily replaced.

No, we don’t fear UMNO. It’s UMNO who fears. People will see there are better people than UMNO people. People will see, we can govern better. We have already proven that within just 4 years of controlling the state governments. UMNO has only supported the pillage and plunder of this nation. It worked hand in hand with the thieves of this country.

That is the reason people are disgusted with UMNO. Japan’s UMNO- the LDP has governed Japan for a long time since 1955. It was responsible for the economic transformation of Japan. It’s behind the export driven economy, supports privatization of GLCs, and transforming the bureaucracy. Essentially it’s like UMNO. And its achievements are even bigger than UMNO because Japan has developed into one of the powerful economies of the world.

Yet, the LDP is defeated. Does that mean, the Japanese are ingrates not mindful of the vast contributions and role of LDP? They are but their disgust over corruption and inept governance overrides a sentimental attachment to the role and contribution of LDP. Beginning with the Lockheed Scandal, the LDP has since been associated with corruption and cronyism.

Similarly, many Malays are mindful of the role and contributions of previous UMNO leaders in shaping Malaysia into what it is today. But like the Japanese, their disgust over corruption, the bullying and the indiscriminate conversion of wealth belonging to the people, overrides the sentimentalism over the role of UMNO. And Malaysia has so many Lockheeds in its cupboard.

It’s UMNO who should stop going around wearing its unjustifiable sense of over importance. After 55 years of controlling the government, as regards the Malays, they are still behind in the economy. Malays earned RM100 to the Chinese earning RM150 and the Indians earning RM120. How do you account for that despite controlling the government?

The top 20% of Malays earn and control 70% of Malay income leaving the 80% of us to fight for the remaining 30% of Malay income. It’s the Putera in the bumiPUTERA who gets richer and richer. The princelings from the leading luminaries of UMNO and the government. And the real princes and princesses.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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