
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 9, 2012

Police wrapping up Janji Demokrasi probe

Three more statements were recorded today in police's Janji Demokrasi probe
KUALA LUMPUR: Police today said that they are close to wrapping up the Janji Demokrasi investigations under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012.
Dang Wangi district police chief ACP Zainuddin Ahmad told FMT that police are done with recording statements from organisers and witnesses today.
“We should be sending in our investigation papers to the AG chambers soon, from then on they will decide if there are any charges,” he said.
Earlier today, police recorded the statements of Janji Demokrasi organiser, activist Hishamuddin Md Rais.
Also questioned this afternoon were two other Pakatan Rakyat leaders– PKR vice-president and Batu MP Tian Chua and PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu– who were also present during the 10,000 strong gathering on the eve of Merdeka.
Last thursday, Janji Demokrasi rally organiser Maria Chin Abdullah and national laureate and A Samad Said, both key Bersih 2.0 personalities, were questioned as well.
They had both described the questions posed by the police “irrelevant”.
Both Maria and Samad therefore took the stand of not answering any questions.
Police had apparently wanted to know about their roles during a press conference and at Dataran Merdeka, who else were there and what was the purpose of organising the rally.
Today, Mohamad said that he also refused to answer police’s questions after spending almost an hour within the Dang Wangi police headquarters.
“They called me in as a witness. Asked me who organised the rally, how many people were there and who gave the speeches. I chose not to answer, I just gave them my name,” he said.
Meanwhile Tian Chua said that he cooperated with the police but declined to answer questions that he felt incriminates anyone.
“(Aside from that) the inspector asked me who asked me to go, time it started and so on. Nothing we should hide. We did not break any laws, the rakyat went there to remember Merdeka, and fundamental democratic principles,” he said.
Tian Chua said he is disappointed that the Barisan Nasional was going after those who allegedly disrespected national leaders.
“It’s the nature of politics. They are being too sensitive. I’m not saying its right, but we shouldn’t met out harsh punishment.
On the showing of Sang Saka Malaya flags on the day, Tian Chua said that it was the government “overreacting” over “nothing”.
“The flag is historic. This flag is part of our history of our political struggle. It evolved into the PAS, UMNO flags.
Last week, police had reportedly sent in the full investigation report on the three controversial actions of the “Janji Demokrasi” gathering participants to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.
These included the case of those who brought the “Sang Saka Malaya” flag, and those who trampled and mooned the pictures of the prime minister and his wife.

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