
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 11, 2013

3,000 motorcycle convoy fighting for Malay rights: Does Dr M have a LICENSE TO KILL?

3,000 motorcycle convoy fighting for Malay rights: Does Dr M have a LICENSE TO KILL?
Can you beat it? The Tun – the very man who claimed to be the architect, guru and god-sent leader for multi-racial Malaysia is now so brazenly on a racial divide mission-at-all-cost and yet the law maintains squeaking silence on his treacherous ways.
If what is reported in the media is true, he flagged off a 3,000 motorcycle convoy that road the highways from USJ, Subang Jaya and Klang, bearing party flags all in the name of defending the Malay race against being taken over and deprived of by another race.
Hey, that is a minimum of 1,500 people terrorizing road safety and the law remained castrated?
What if on that same token 3,000 motorcycles took flight championing Indian rights or Chinese freedom?
The real face of Evil exposed
Here is a man who preached and ensured quick silencing of anyone who took to the streets on the grounds of racial demands who is now doing the same and getting away scot free.
On the one hand, the PM Najib is canvassing for 1Malaysia – a Malaysia for all Malaysians but his big brother is going to town painting red with race-inspired protests of sorts. And mind you he spoke at a Forum titled ‘Future of the Malaysian Race’ but flags off a convoy that wanted to register its defense for a Malay race taking back Selangor.
What do we make out of all this?
Tun Dr Mahathir, why are you doing this? What is your goal before you return to eternal peace? Leave this nation soiled with the blood of racial divisiveness?
Not only are you dividing man against man, race against race – but by claiming that Selangor must be returned to the Malays of UMNO you are also guilty of dividing the Malays against the Malays. Why? What is your motive?
License to kill, is it?
Oh no, motive is not essential here as we have been taught by the Palace of Justice not so long ago.
Are there no more credible and courageous politicians and law makers, no more learned veterans and advisors, no more leaders and keepers of the law with a clear conscience and wisdom who can stop this man in his tracks before he makes all hell break loose?
Or are we saying that the Tun has a license to kill? Or perhaps, it is okay to fight for race rights now?
Indeed the 3,000 motorcycle convey that he let loose on the highways is a potential for chaos. All it would have taken is for a lorry driven by a Chinese or an Indian – or even a Malay with a tiny PR sticker, to have lost control of his vehicle out of fright seeing this party-politic convoy and skidding onto the convoy. Mayhem! Too ridiculous an imagination?
Let us come on square on this antic of the Tun – who would have imagined that in this time and space, when the 13th GE - speculated to be the most contested election of the century, is around the bend, a senior politician would fuel such dangerous road runs?
Tun, the rakyat want nation building – not nation-dividing, Sir; unless you have been misinformed and are led by the noose…. . How else to explain this raging madness of yours?

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