
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 24, 2013

'Kissing men' banner shows BN bankrupt of ideas

YOURSAY 'This is actually good indeed, it just show how desperate BN is and how afraid they are of the opposition in Johor.'

Banners of kissing men 'welcome' Anwar to JB

your sayTelestai!: Do they think they are getting anywhere with this kind of stupid antics. It is distasteful and will turn many a fencesitter into an Anwar Ibrahim symphatiser.

I am one example. I am not a fan of Anwar but the recycling of dirty tactics makes me think there is something terribly wrong with BN. And what if they have succeeded in making us think Anwar might have a colourful sex life. So what? It is his private life.

BN must be desperately short of ideas and political capital to continuously harp on someone's private life. Get over it.

Wanderer: Is that all Umno-BN numbskulls can offer to the electorate? Obviously, it simply showed this worn-out BN coalition is bankrupt of ideas and have no promising vision and policies for the country.

Sex is the only thing in their sickening minds and they think the public share their enthusiasm for it.

Heavywater: This is actually good indeed, it just show how desperate BN is and how afraid they are of the opposition in Johor.

For the first time they are afraid - they did not play that dirty in 2008 as they are doing now. So BN beware, change is coming. MCA will lose its pants (figuratively speaking) in the next election, and so will Umno and MIC.

NewMalaysia: BN's worst nightmare is coming with Pakatan leaders leaving their safe seats to take on BN leaders.

Those Pakatan leaders who have more than 10,000 majority vote in the last election can now go and challenge those BN seats won with less than 5,000 majority in 2008.

Pakatan has nothing to lose, it's not easy for BN to take those seats left behind by Pakatan leaders because 10,000 majority votes in urban areas is never an easy task to overcome even with phantom voters, while Pakatan leaders have everything to gain.

BN will have more seats to lose, especially those with only less than 2,000 majority votes. This will definitely catch BN off-guard because most of them dare not leave their comfort zone to challenge Pakatan leaders.

Ferdtan: It is childish and a waste of good money to put banners like that. Everyone knows it doesn't work but the ruling party keeps churning out such nonsense.

Why is it happening so often when it is not effective? Sometimes, I wonder it is not about politics - it is a means of making money. People in BN are good at it.

You see, they have to support people in the printing industry. Of course, the culprits take good commissions. Print anything and then charge the account to BN, which has unlimited funds.

As long as it is against Anwar, they would be paid. Now you know why even grandfathers, the army veterans, were willing to show their buttocks to Bersih's co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan. They must be paid well. Money overrides shame.

Ex-wfw: When you are bankrupt of ideas as how to manage a nation because you have stolen most of the cash from the national coffers; you can only find such cheap thrill.

The more absurd the issue is highlighted; more fencesitters will throw their support behind Anwar. They seem to forget that people feel insulted if they were to believe all those issues they have created.

Absalom: If sex is the criteria by which leaders and presidents are selected, then many past and present greats will not have made it to become leaders of their people or as revered historical figures.

And this is not to rationalise for Anwar, nobody cares what dirt is thrown at him, nobody believes in such allegations anymore anyway. Just when you think the BN folks have reached the bottom, they prove yet again that they can go even lower.

I am sure most people cannot wait for this sleazy stretch of Malaysian politics to be over, have the election done with and clean up the streets of this stinking BN rubbish.

I hope many of devious old weasels will end up in prison and do time which commensurate with the evil deeds they have done. I hope there is enough room in prison.

Changeagent: There's a very good reason why the alleged sex video between the two men hasn't been released by Papagomo in its entirety.

It is not convincing enough to dupe even fools into believing that Anwar was really the man in the video. If it was genuine, it would have been uploaded onto YouTube by now or printed onto DVDs to be distributed into every residential letter box.

Mahashitla: Umno-BN, with all the apparatus at its disposal, had failed to prosecute Anwar and is now resorting to rogues to demonise him. And contrary to what Umno-BN expect, Anwar is now more popular and Pakatan getting even more support.

The unjust prosecution and the despicable display of questionable sex videos depicting Anwar, together with the shortcomings of the government in combating mega corruption and crimes, will cause BN to self-destruct.

Already there is a growing anger within a large group of silent voters, especially the Malays, who felt that Umno-BN needs to be changed. If PM Najib Razak still cannot sense it, then BN deserves to be in the opposition after GE13. - Malaysiakini

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