
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 11, 2013

Najib the caretaker PM now in injury time

YOURSAY 'The wait for GE13 is like a football match having gone into injury time. Everyone is looking at the referee to blow the whistle and end the game.'

Kit Siang: It's now March 9, Najib term has ended

your sayStarr: Prime Minister Najib Razak's term has ended; it has been five years from the day former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was re-elected on March 8, 2008 and not five years from the day the MPs were sworn in.

Effectively, Najib is heading a caretaker government from this point onwards with all the limitations that comes with that.

He now has to consult Parliament for endorsement of all new policies and spending. Also, he can now no longer abuse government assets and resources.

Najib is and should be addressed as 'caretaker prime minister' in order not to mislead the public and overseas dignitaries.

Doc: The wait for GE 13 is like a football match having gone into injury time. Everyone is looking at the referee to blow the whistle and end the game.

No doubt, Najib is looking at his watch and thinking when to blow the whistle.

Anonymous_40f4: Hugo Chavez of Venezuela died three days ago and they have already called for elections on April 14. According to them, it's unconstitutional and "not proper" to appoint the deputy as the president.

But here in Bolehland, after five years, BN still does not want to call for elections. It is as if the country belongs to their grandfathers. All patriotic Malaysians must hang their heads in shame.

Clever Voter: Najib intends to exhaust all possible legal means available to him to delay the elections. He plans to call the polls after giving out more goodies and when there are positive outcomes of his transformation initiatives.

In so doing, the long wait will hopefully put out the initial public anger, hoping that people may be forgiving and the opposition parties would start disintegrating.

But this time round, people are no longer as forgiving - instead, they are better informed and more determined to embrace change.

Heavywater: For Najib to be legitimate even as a PM, Najib must clear the clouds hanging over his head. Issues brought up by Sodomy II complainant Saiful Bukhari Azlan's father, private investigator P Balasubramaniam and carpet businessman Deepak Jaikishan have all but tainted Najib.

And these are just some of the accusations, what about the others? Indeed, officially Najib is no longer our prime minister as his term is technically over.

Tehachapi: What is there to say, we have a PM without a spine. Najib, be man enough to call GE13 and if you win, you vindicate yourself.

If you lose, it's not your fault alone as the whole party is so corrupt and rotten beyond redemption. If you don't call GE13 sooner, more troubles will befall the nation. What is there to lose?

Hang Tuah: That is why there is a need to call for elections now, Najib can't delay anymore. The whole Parliament is ‘illegal'.

Cogito Ergo Sum: With all the gerrymandering, phantoms and illegal voters, BN should be in a comfortable position to win two-thirds majority.

Oh, they haven't finished giving out all the goodies. And ‘Tanda Putera' has not been shown the entire target audience yet. That's why the delay.

Caripasal: Something is very wrong about our constitution. A legitimate government should be counted from the date we last voted, instead of the first parliamentary sitting.

This 'constitutional loophole' is currently utilised by the BN government to extend its lifespan.

The fear of losing and the possible prosecution of BN's crime and corruption have undoubtedly make this government stay longer than is expected by Malaysians.

How many of us prefer to eat expired food, I wonder?
Najib an 'illegitimate' prime minister, says Kit Siang

Dood: Everyone should be aware by now that Umno-BN has never been a stranger to bending and breaking the rules to suit their benefit.

GE 13: You can ridicule him, shout yourself hoarse. What else can you do? He can just ignore you.

JT1E80: GE 13, we can get ourselves off our backsides and go and vote the entire illegitimate government out of existence. - Malaysiakini

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