
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 29, 2013

Old man Mahathir still speaks like he's PM

FREE YOURSAY 'You'd think that at his age, he would be making amends, asking forgiveness for his sins, making peace with those he has harmed and make a graceful exit.'

Dr M: Najib may need to step down if BN fares badly

your sayKairos: What surprises me is that this old man still commands such a following and exert such a great influence among the echelons of power.

He is a racist and an ultra-Malay. If what he says come to pass, then woe betide the country because he will have a big say in who will lead the country should BN win. Whoever he is, he will only be a puppet with former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad pulling all the strings.

How do you stop this evil man? Only one way. Make sure he has no say at all in influencing who leads the country by voting Pakatan Rakyat into power. By hook or by crook, BN got to go.

Quigonbond: Dr M, you're so right. Your advisers would also have told you the dangers of bringing in Filipinos to bolster the voters in Sabah, that they haven't been sensitised to the Malaysian culture and way of life, and that one day, your short-term gain will end up being medium-term liability for Malaysians.

Your advisers would apparently have known something that you didn't but well you know, the proof of the pudding is in the eating; hence there you are, now they are emboldened enough to invade Sabah and easily blend into the masses of Filipinos already in Sabah.

We are all for eating the pudding, if only BN has the courage to serve to us right now.

GE13isonMay11: Mahathir said, "I say theoretically, if he does not do well, of course his position will not be stable."

This statement is a psychological ploy to tell others that BN can do well but may never lose entirely. When in truth he is having sleepless nights about BN losing Putrajaya with DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang in Johor and Anwar having his constituency a top secret.

Ericlcc: The only person who needs to step down, for the second time, is TDM (Mahathir) himself.

Najib just don't have what it takes to be a strong leader. He should do a ‘Mahathir on Anwar' style purge. Then again, Najib himself has too many dirty laundry and he needs ‘friendly' people to cover for him. No wonder, TDM is so bold.

Restless_Native: As usual, as soon as Mahathir speaks, there's a ton of riposte. You would think that at his age, he would be making amends, asking forgiveness for his sins, making peace with those he has harmed and make a graceful exit.

Instead he ratchets up his vitriolic postulates and stirs the racial pot and sows the seeds of derision and hate - against everything his religion espouses.

Anonymous #40538199: It sounds like the major shareholder is giving warning to the CEO. Mahathir appears to thinks that he owns the party.

Abasir: The stump that needs to be uprooted entirely and burnt in a furnace is none other than the one whose poisonous offshoots have spread into all the crevices of the regime.

Exterminating all vestiges of this poisonous stump needs a change of government, nothing less.

Baiyuensheng: "I don't have candidate in my mind..."? Oh boy, he really has the power.

Anonymous_5fb: Mahathir, let's put it this way. Theoretically, if Pakatan form the next federal government, then Anwar will be our next PM.

By that time, you don't have the headache who's the next PM. In that way, not only the deadwood is chopped, the whole tree named BN will be gone.

We, the rakyat, are eager to see that happens. By then, I hope you would keep your mouth shut.

Whatshappenning: To be fair, I personally think Najib is a good PM and he has done well for the rakyat.

He cares for the rakyat but it is people like Perkasa and some of the people in Umno who like to play around with racial issues which makes the rakyat angry because the rakyat feel that Najib allows them to play up racial issues.

Ferdtan: Now Mahathir, see what you have done? You have frightened our poor PM so much that he dare not call for the national election when it is almost due, technically speaking.

Do you have to be so blunt in saying that like his predecessor, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Najib may have to step down if BN fails to do well in the coming polls?

Najib is already so afraid of the opposition led by Anwar Ibrahim and now you have to add this unwanted pressure.

Mahashitla: The question of hundreds of thousands of dubious voters in Selangor and the latest exposure of a blogger as a person who may vote twice, have raised the suspicion of a massive election fraud.

Mahathir's consistent threat on Najib losing his PM job without a big win could be the reason for Najib delaying GE13 to do his 'utmost' on the final touches. Thus, the reality of a massive fraud taking place for BN to get a two-thirds majority is no more unimaginable.

Tehachapi: So, what the big deal Dr M? Leadership change is a mundane matter. Leaders who are capable will lead, those who pretend to do so but has no abilities, will have to withdraw and be replaced.

Umno has no monopoly to political power in a democratic country like Malaysia and it can be replaced. It is a fact and needs to be accepted as such. One day Umno will die if it fails to garner sufficient support from voters.

You can't stop the march of time and it is useless to base your view only on the past. It is the future which matters.

Krish: Is Dr M sensing something that we have not? Under normal circumstances such statements from a veteran Umno leader and ex-PM are not appropriate for a sitting PM. But I guess he continues to believe that he has the power to make such statements.

However, I do agree with him that ideally Parliament should have been dissolved for elections sometime last year. Holding on to power until the eleventh hour does not augur well for all concerned.

Cascara: Mahathir is trying his very best to get his son, Mukhriz, to move up the ladder and eventually become the PM one day.

In the case of dictators, absolute power has to pass on from father to son. We see this happening elsewhere in the world too.

Mahathir missed the chance when he stepped down. His sons were busy amassing wealth with dad's help. But now, he is trying to make amends.

Wassupdoc: Can someone tell me who is this man to tell us who is to be our next PM? - Malaysiakini

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