
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 24, 2013


Or, Will The Real Papa Gomo Stand Up, Please!

by papa profumo, Donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for manufactured political sex scandal affairs.

I wonder if Papa Gomo is aware of the connotations the online Urban Dictionary definition of "Gomo" has with his self-chosen pseudonym:

"Gomo: Short for "Gomosexual. Means Guido Homo.. or the gay version of what the male cast of Jersey Shore is when the camera's are not on them. A homosexual who is also geeky, or into geeky things."

Is Papa Gomo subconsciously trying to hint to us something about his own dark sexual inclinations and identity? I wonder!

And what does it say about Prime Minister Najib, his (wooden) Cabinet and Ministers, who have allowed Papa Gomo, allegedly an ex-traffic cop with a conviction for bribery (CLICK HERE), to worm his way into their confidence? How could Papa Gomo, a nobody as far as the general public is concerned, have wangled an invitation on board the Navy's controversial and highly classified Scorpene submarine, a move clearly calculated to insult and belittle Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng? CLICK HERE and HERE

Whatever Defence Minister Zahedi was thinking about, it sure as hell compromised national security. It also smacked of some kind of damage-limitation scrambling by Najib's administration against Lim Guan Eng's comprehensive victory in proving the completely fabricated accusations by UMNO-linked bloggers and politicians, that his teenage son had been involved in a sex molestation incident that was covered up by him. CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE. Note that in this sordid incident too, Papa Gomo was implicated, while the toothless UMNO Youth Chief KJ once again proved that an Oxford education is no barrier to the mouth moving faster than the (in any event, a very limited) brain. If you employ monkeys, what else can you expect but, gibberish!

We can see too in the case of the blatantly false accusations about LGE's son, that if rumours on the apevine are true, that the conspirators were part of the 10,000-strong paid UMNO cybertroopers (CLICK HERE), they are guilty of wanton waste of public money and strong on congenital stupidity. I mean, who with a gram of brain matter, would post a picture of English teenage chess champion Anya Corke as the alleged sex victim, when she had never stepped foot in Malaysia, let alone the inside of a Penang school? 

PM Najib and his UMNO/BN government have to-date spent over RM100 million illegally in trying to blacken Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) and the Opposition's names. The beneficiaries of this Malaysian Taxpayer funded largesse are foreign outfits like Fact Based Communications (FBC) UK. CLICK HERE. How much of the money filtered down to pro-UMNO bloggers from FBC and payout of RM1.2 million to Josh Trevino (CLICK HERE), is anybody's guess. Imagine the success UMNO/BN might have enjoyed if, instead of spindoctoring and plain lying, they had concentrated on winning hearts and minds by embracing truth, honesty, transparency and integrity.

And we can see this same lack of brain matter in those who persist in trying to poison voters' minds by repeatedly posting grainy black and white photos and videos with obviously dubbed voice recordings, of, purportedly, DSAI "engaging in compromising sexual acts" and "seduction" conversations. Once, and you can be forgiven for gross incompetency and shoddiness. But, twice, thrice, four times,....? Indications are, they are nothing but desperately planned and manufactured conspiracies executed by totally money-crazy and amoral men and women.

Papa Gomo would have us believe that he had access to rooms in pricey hotels like Hilton Sentral and Holiday Villa Subang Jaya, to plant pin-hole video cameras, all by himself. No way could these have been one-man black ops. There had to be the involvement of rogue elements from within our police force, security agencies and Government, to get past hotel security. It could well be that they are all in it, arse deep! But is that what actually happened, or was it like the Datuk Trio incident, a movie shot in a studio in southern Thailand, with seedy look-alike Thai actors and porn stars?CLICK HERE.

How, you may ask, can these bloggers and UMNO/BN supporters truly believe that sane Malaysians will choose to vote back in those who have stolen hundreds of billions of ringgit from our national reserves, been implicated in murder, fraud and economic looting and plundering, and lying repeatedly to the nation? Well, yesterday's statement by ex-Finance Minister Diam Diam Daim that he would prefer Najib to DSAI, reveals glaringly why - they are quivering and shivering in their undergarments as their day of reckoning draws near. That's why they would rather vote in any Satan and his cohorts, when faced with the alternative of being absolutely without power, convicted and serving a long sentence in Bamboo River Resort for an eternity!

A little birds tells me that Chief Minister of Penang, Lim Guan Eng, may now himself be initiating defamation suits against a number of these UMNO-linked bloggers and politicians, seeing as to how after one year of investigations, neither the MCMC nor the police, has filed charges against anyone for that criminally co-ordinated defamatory attacks against him! Watch out guys and gals, we'll be seeing you in the docks, soon.

As for Papa Gomo or Papa BUMNO/SCUMNO, whoever you may be, no one believes you. (It may even be that Papa Gomo does not exist as any individual; he may well be the product of a certain political party or that of a few of its devil-may-care and reckless rogue members hiding behind some naive and handsomely paid nominee's identity)! The more sex videos and photos you post, the more you will be chasing voters into Pakatan camps! Fight like real men and women, with reasoned and logical blog posts and at the ballot box, not like proverbial pondans and paid eunuchs!

Thank you. Keep it up, pal!

Donplaypuks® with fake and doctored videos, photos and recordings, man!

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