
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 22, 2013

Teloq sapa yang kecut..Che Det atau Pak Sheikh...

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim "lari" dari kerusi yang disandangnya di Permatang Pauh kerana ketua pembangkang itu tidak yakin untuk menang, kata bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Ketika ditemui pemberita di Seri Kembangan hari ini, Dr Mahathir berkata, Anwar bebas bertanding di kawasan mana dan "lari dari Permatang Pauh" kerana Malaysia negara bebas.

Beliau diminta mengulas kenyataan Anwar yang mungkin melepaskan kerusi tempat kelahirannya dan bertanding di Perak.

Diminta menjelaskan maksud "lari" itu, Dr Mahathir berkata, bekas timbalannya itu mungkin tidak yakin akan memang di kerusi tradisinya itu.

Selain Anwar, beberapa pemimpin tertinggi Pakatan juga mengintai kerusi baru, antaranya Lim Kit Siang dan Liew Chin Tong dari DAP yang berpindah ke kubu kuat Umno di Johor.-malaysiakini

Sosek2 sana sini...

Fbi Ibam - Negarawan pencen sepatutnya berhenti berkata-kata. Kalau masih ingin berpolitik dan mencari populariti sila bertanding di dalam PRU 13. Jangan jadi jaguh media massa sedangkan rakyat sudah muak dengan kata bicara tuan senior UMNO ini. Buka mata dan telinga serta kaji apakah prestasi UMNO pada tahun 1999 sangat bagus jika di bandingkan pada tahum 2004. Yang pasti hasil kerja keji Che Det serta rakan-rakannya UMNO/BN hampir tersungkur menyembah bumi. Sedih sebab puak-puak dalam UMNO masih lagi tidak banggang dengan ketuanan melayu yang tak tentu pasal sedangkan puak-puak inilah yang menjual kedaulatan dan maruah negara tercinta.

Shah Zam - Insan inilah yg disajung penyokong2 tegar UMNO sabagai pemimpin yg pintar tetapi bagaimana beliau membuat analisa sebelum membuat kenyataan ini. Kenyataan seperti ini hanyalah sebagai penenang hati bagi menutup ketakutan yg ada menggaggu jiwa.

Padi Akustik  - Kah kah kah...Apa punya bodo la statement lagu ni...Hang kata la apa pun Tok Madey oooiii, bukan hang yg tentukan sapa yg buleh menang atau kalah...Kami, RAKYAT dgn bantuan ALLAH SWT akan pastikan BN jatuh terjunam ke dlm gaung...Hang panggey la Najib/ Muhyiddin/ Mukhriz bertanding face to face dgn Anwar kalo berani...Jgn dok sembang bombang ja lebihhh...X pon hang mai bertanding sendiri la senang, byk mulut sungguh org tua ni...Ni hari Jumaat lagu ni cuba la toksah dok cari gado/ marah org...Kubur kata mari laaa, rumah pon x hingin kat hang tau dakkk...

Anwar chickening out on Permatang Pauh, scoffs Dr M...

Oposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is "running away" from his incumbent parliamentary seat in Permatang Pauh because he is not sure he could win, said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

"This is a free country, he is free to go and contest anywhere... If wants to run away from Permatang Pauh," Mahathir told reporters when met in Seri Kembangan today.

He was asked to comment on Anwar's statement that he may forgo his hometown seat and contest in Perak instead.

permatang pauh by election results map 260808Asked to clarify what he meant by Anwar "running away", Mahathir said that his former deputy may have doubts about winning his current seat.

"Yes he is running away, maybe he's not confident of winning the seat."

Opposition heavyweights have been eyeing new seats for the coming polls, in particular DAP leaders Lim Kit Siang and Liew Chin Tong who will take their fight to the Umno stronghold of Johor.

‘Veterans should leave things to the young’

Asked about several veteran politicians expressing their wish to contest for seats in coming election, Mahathir said those who have had their time in the sun should give way to the next generation.

“The veterans should leave things to the young people,” he said.

Of late, at least two veterans, Kuala Kangsar MP Rafidah Aziz and former MIC president S Samy Vellu, have expressed their readiness to contest, if they are selected by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

Asked about international transparency NGO Global Witness' expose on land corruption in Sarawak involving those close to Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, Mahathir said he has not seen the video.

“So I cannot comment,” he replied.

Mahathir also refused to comment on a new sex video, purportedly of Anwar, posted by Umno-linked blogger Papagomo, saying that he has not seen it either. -malaysiakini

tpn - Malaysians cannot forget how Dr Mahathir chickened out from appearing in court in Datuk Seri Anwar's sodomy hearing. Look who is the big chicken talking now.

wanderer - Tun Mahathir Mohamad, don't talk big. Why don't you ask your darling Jr to stand against Anwar in Permatang Pauh or better still, do it yourself!...put your money where your mouth is.

Anonymous #40538199 - He promised the rakyat bersih, cekap dan amanah, but tolerated and promoted the exact opposite, do you still want to trust him? Vote wisely.

John 3: 16 - Old man is trying to play reverse psychology. PP is PKR's seat and if there are new constituencies to conquer, why not? The TDM hate factor is still strong and this will help PR in their quest to take over Pjaya. DSAI already told him to shut up but his poison sac is just too full for him to remain quiet.

Rashid Aldin - Dont just talk Yah kah,Tun Black Mamba,why not you take on YB DSAI in Permatang Pauh since you claimed to be retired but is in fact the de-facto Prime Minister.Or you can convinced your MP son Murkriz to take on YB DSAI or the big mouth Raja Katak can also try his luck there..Btw you have not explained your role in the Project M or the Silent Riot that took place in KK resulting in 5 death, when your dirty hands toppled the PBS party after they defeated the Berjaya Party.just to make ppl aware wat ur said is rite

Gen. Half Track - A good General knows when to fight, where to fight ( a ground of his choosing ) and how to fight. A battle field where the enemy can easily be defeated is always left to his junior commanders.


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