
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 24, 2014

It’s clear Umno condones mob violence

YOURSAY ‘DPM, thanks for the clarification that hooliganism is sanctioned by Umno.’

Fiery protest a natural reaction, says Muhyiddin

Proarte: Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's statement that Umno Youth's gangsterism is a “natural reaction” is an open admission that Umno condones mob rule.

There is no 'hidden hand' now, the DPM has admitted that it is a 'natural' for Umno to use violence if their leaders and their proxies are damned or called 'celaka' for threatening to cause mayhem in Malaysia ala May 13.

This threat was clearly seen on a banner which was displayed by an Indian Muslim/Malay mob which was being riled up by Umno MP Reezal Merican Naina Merican in Penang.

Surely any government which is not a tin pot dictatorship would condemn such threats but here we have the DPM and deputy president of Umno calling it a 'natural' reaction.

His admission that Umno condones threats to cause violence as a 'natural' form of political protest really lends credence to the widely held view by Malaysians that Umno provoked, if not engineered May 13.

Pemerhati: The top Umno leadership is constantly on the lookout to create religious and ethnic tension because it believes it derives great political benefit from it.

When others do not give it an opportunity to create tension, they will start it on their own as they did in the case of the cow and pig head incidents. Sometimes others give them the opportunity as in the case of the Allah and Bible issues.

In this case, the use of the relatively mild admonition by using the word ‘celaka’ (which according to the ‘Kamus Lengkap’ dictionary means ‘bad’, ‘unlucky’, ‘unfortunate’, ‘misfortune’, etc) by DAP’s RSN Rayer to correctly describe the despicable actions of a few of the Umno members who threatened another May 13, is being used by the Umno Youth thugs to create havoc with the cooperation of the police.

The Umno dictatorship can create tension and chaos at its whim and fancy and what prevents it from going too far is the fact that it might affect investments and hence it will not benefit them. 

Headhunter: So, what the DPM is saying is that it is also perfectly alright for DAP or any opposition to do likewise if they are under similar attack? God help us if he ever become the PM.

Quigonbond: Talk is cheap. If Muhyiddin means what he says (about following the rules), the Umno Youth members involved in the storming of the Penang legislative assembly should be immediately sent for disciplinary action and the police should charge them right away.

Joe Lee: Wow, if this is a 'natural reaction' by the ruling party in Malaysia, we have a deep serious problem.

If it is natural to illegally and violently break into the Penang State Assembly with the intention of assaulting Rayer and if it is natural to threaten to burn down the headquarters of an opposing political party, then what we have is gangsterism and fascism.

Muhyiddin is effectively saying, yes we are an Islamo-Melayu gangster party. Indeed, for terrorising Rayer and identifying his family also as targets, the perpetrators are terrorists - in the true sense of the word.

The US embassy should take note - it must seriously consider adding these to the CIA list of terrorist organisations: Umno, Perkasa-Perkida, Isma, other Melayu samseng organisations.

These people want to threaten, and inflict physical damage to both persons and property. That's what terrorists do.

Stig: If the DPM cannot even answer a simple question of whether he condones threats to burn down a building, he should not be in a position of making decisions that affects a nation.

In fact, he should also step down as education minister as this is not the kind of example we want to portray to our kids.

Multi Racial: It is unfortunate that the DPM justified the violent reaction of Umno Youth.

Although he did explained later that everyone must act within the law, that message was loss within the context of saying that the violent behaviour was “natural reaction”.

As the DPM, we expect him to caution everyone regardless of whether Umno or non-Umno members that the authority will act without exception if anyone breaks the law. There is no excuse for anyone.

To those in the government including the PM, DPM and ministers, they have to act on what is good for the country first and party second, and not the other way around.

Oriole: DPM, thanks for the clarification that hooliganism is sanctioned by your party. Is it any wonder Umno is being insulted and called a barbarian party?

By the way, are you as outraged that your party members in Penang used the threat of May 13 on one of their signs during a demonstration? And Rayer's outburst was in respond to that threat.

So what are you doing about that? Or is it okay for your party members to threaten the nation?

To the people of Malaysia, and particularly Teluk Intan, you will need to decide if a hooligan party should be representing us. Are they there to serve the nation or to serve themselves?

Real Truth: I just cannot fathom how MIC, MCA and Gerakan can tolerate Umno bullying. After all, the DPM says such bullying is natural.

Somewhere there must be something wrong with the upbringing of Umno leaders. We must ask former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad to teach Umno members how to bring up their children.

Fernz: DAP must be prepared for the possibility that Umno Youth will burn down its headquarters. The first thing to do is to lodge a police report over the threat.

Next, they must file this copy with their insurance company. They should also get an injunction from the High Court against Umno Youth from getting near its headquarters.

Bruchaga: Tomorrow the home minister will say since no one was injured and therefore no action is required.

Once PM Najib Razak returns from his overseas working visit, he will say no action is required because DAP deserved it.

Then the IGP (inspector-general of police) will said the investigation paper has been submitted to Attorney-General’s Office and finally the AG will said he cannot charge them since no rules are broken.

Welcome to the land of endless possibilities. -Mkini

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