
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Something's DIFFERENT, VERY REFRESHING about Dyana Sofya ...

Something's DIFFERENT, VERY REFRESHING about Dyana Sofya ...
The main thing about Dyana Sofya is about being different. And that’s what DAP needs to sell in Teluk Intan, instead of her beautiful face and availability for marriage.
So what’s so different about Dyana? She is special. First, she was not affected by the brainwashing that is ongoing with UiTM.
She did not find DAP a chauvinistic party. Neither she find the DAP having the ulterior motive of taking over the country and driving the Malays away from political power as what is being propagandised now by those who despised DAP’s decision to field her in Teluk Intan.
That, in itself is a success of sorts of Dyana, showing she is an independent thinker.
Some labelled her as a traitor for allowing herself to be used by DAP to reinforce its multi-racial credential. But Dyana sees herself as a unique individual – how many Malays can make a Chinese-dominated party to put her above the rest who contributed far longer in the party as the candidate for Teluk Intan by-election.
It’s the same feat like working in a Chinese - dominated company, yet the company chooses you over everyone else for the top job despite you are not being 'one of them.'
It just really shows how good, capable and reliable you are. And for Dyana to be selected as DAP’s candidate for Teluk Intan by-election against Gerakan President Mah Siew Keong is a testament to her stature and work.
It takes a great amount of trust for DAP and especially Lim Kit Siang to take Dyana in as his political secretary when her parents are from UMNO. Yet again this proves Dyana has impeccable character, attitude and professionalism that has helped her to position herself where she is today.
The father-daughter relationship Kit Siang is having with Dyana while campaigning in Teluk Intan provides fresh air for Malaysia amid the escalating racial and religious tension due to the government’s inability to counter the uncontrollable racist rhetoric spewed by irresponsible parties.
It serves as a good reminder to all Malaysians that we used to enjoy such privilege and closeness with each other free and far from any race or religion factors coming in between.
It reminds us of our identity as Malaysians, just like how we are treating each other when we are abroad and away from the country.
By agreeing to be DAP candidate for Teluk Intan, Dyana did something out-of-the-box from the Malay community’s expectation of a Malay lady.
Dyana reminded them that they could excel and compete with other communities without UMNO.
She reminded them that they are strong and with the right mind-set, they can be as successful without UMNO.
There was no UMNO protection for her in DAP, yet Dyana managed to be Kit Siang’s political secretary and get chosen as the party candidate for Teluk Intan.
For Malaysians, Dyana reminded them of a place they called home. A place where no individuals or groups are feeling they are under siege by unproven allegations. A place where there are abundant of opportunities for everyone.
Dyana’s candidacy in Teluk Intan will force the conservative groups in the Chinese and Malay community to change their mind-set.
The Chinese who always voted for Chinese must break free from this mindset if they want DAP to retain the seat.
The same goes for the conservative Malays as well if they do not want a Chinese to represent them in parliament.
This is what Dyana brings to the table in Teluk Intan. She forces Malaysians to take a break and reflect.
Diana presents a unique opportunity for Malaysians to make a right turn for the right future. And that’s what DAP has to sell about Dyana in Teluk Intan. -Harakahdaily

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