
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 27, 2016


The political strangulation by the strategy of triangulation is now in full play.
Najib is now in the final check-mate – the death sentence is triggered when he makes any moves and if and when he stays pat. Remember, my fellow Malaysians, that it is the last snow flake that causes the mighty avalanche that destroys everything in its path.
Ponder on this strategic military wisdom.
In my last article posted to my website, “A Requiem for UMNO” I asked my fellow Malaysians never to lose hope and to have absolute faith in the Almighty God and surrender to HIS WILL, as victory over tyranny is assured. The new political soul festered upon UMNO by Najib is so poisonous that it will consume the entire body politic in flames and the stench of Najib’s UMNO will be cleansed.
Of that demise, I am as certain as the sun rises tomorrow as no one and nothing can escape from the Law of Karma.
Let me now explain why I am so confident in the outcome in political terminology, specifically “political strangulation by the strategy of triangulation.
Not one member of the UMNO Supreme Council is aware and or understands the military strategy of Triangulation for inflicting the death blow to an enemy. They are just too busy trying to project themselves as the most “Loyal But Not Smart” cronies of Najib by their infantile, uncouth and downright stupid behaviour.
Before proceeding further, let me just say this and get it out of the way. All ambitious politicians aspire to be the head honcho i.e. the Prime Minister, especially those in the front ranks. There is nothing wrong in having such an aspiration. It is only the method of ascension to ultimate power that distinguishes one from another. Bear this in mind.
We will now resume our discussion.
I have stated earlier, it is the last snow flake that causes the mighty avalanche.
The LAST SNOW FLAKE that will cause the avalanche to bury UMNO was the defiance of Zahid Hamidi in flip-flopping on the IMPORTATION of 1.5 million Banglas into our beloved country.
I need not mention the name of the ultimate beneficiary(s) of the RM multibillion financial largesse as a result from the influx of 1.5 million Banglas. What is important to note is that it was a done deal. Period!
And yet, it was “frozen” after the deal was signed and sealed by the respective governments. Wow!
It was the signal from the “Last Snow Flake” that he could, if he wanted to, decide on matters based on his own strength even against the wishes of the ultimate beneficiary(s) of the UMNO money-machine.
The “Last Snow Flake” is the second side of the triangle.
The “Last Snow Flake” is testing the first side of the triangle (the two partnersin-crime) that he should not be taken for granted and that they need him more then he needs them. The “Last Snow Flake” is not stupid and knows that Najib needs him for one purpose only - to block all potential pretenders to the throne and that he can be discarded as easily as he was appointed to replace Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as the deputy Prime Minister (the third side of the triangle) who remains the deputy President of UMNO.
Now do you get the Big Picture?
I will now invite you to exercise your brain by asking the following questions:
Why did Najib sack Muhyiddin as deputy Prime Minister without simultaneously ousting him as deputy President of UMNO?
As long as Muhyiddin remains as deputy President of UMNO, who can he check-mate in the event there is a coup d’etat against Najib?
Would Muhyiddin be an insurance policy for Najib in that event (since in politics, there are no permanent friends or enemies)?
What would be the scenario if Muhyiddin moves against Najib?
Najib deploys Zahid Hamidi against Muhyiddin? What then?
The right flank of Najib is vulnerable. Would Zahid Hamidi make his move against Najib, now that Muhyiddin is not in the equation?
Can Zahid Hamidi move against Najib without first ousting Muhyiddin?
What would Najib do, if Zahid Hamidi shows signs of moving against him?
Would Najib, with his back to the corner, eat humble pie and recruit Muhyiddin to counter Zahid Hamidi?
All front rank politicians aspire to be the head honcho, to wield ultimate power.
So, how confident is Najib that Zahid Hamidi would remain loyal to him?
What is the time frame for the loyalty issue to be played out, as no one likes to play second fiddle forever?
Given the two sides of the triangle, who should Najib moves against first, given that any move against one or the other give rise to another impending danger – an outright coup d’etat by one or the other?
Catch 22!
Now can you understand why Najib cannot sleep peacefully at night, is stressed out and his body immune system fast deteriorating?
The “Last Snow Flake” would likewise be very concerned if Najib suspects that he has been disloyal and could be jettisoned for the same offence as was alleged against Muhyiddin and re-align with Muhyiddin or appoints a “new” deputy Prime Minister as a counter weight to Muhyiddin if at the material time Muhyiddin is still the deputy President of UMNO.
There is also the “wild card” gambit i.e. would UMNO allow a situation whereby a deputy Prime Minister who is not the deputy President of UMNO seized power as the Prime Minister, thereby wrecking the political convention accepted by all members of the Barisan Nasional that the President and deputy President shall, by virtue of that status, assume the respective appointments as Prime Minister and deputy Prime Minister.
Any break in this tradition cum convention would open the Pandora box of interparties intrigues as the automatic ascension to power by the two UMNO leaders would be questioned and a foreseeable demand (following some form of compromise) that while the President of UMNO shall be the Prime Minister, a head of a component party of the Barisan Nasional can be the deputy Prime Minister.
Therefore, the ramifications of Najib being caught in this triangulation would be far reaching and the result would be instability and uncertainties.
Is this getting rather confusing for you?
If it is, I am not surprised for the implementation of the “Triangulation Strategy” can only be executed by a Strategist par excellence!
When Najib arrogantly sacked Muhyiddin and put Zahid Hamidi as the number 2 (who is known to be ambitious and an admitted patient plotter) rather than the colourless Hishammuddin (though a cousin of Najib, but considered too weak to ward off the inevitable onslaughts from the sacking of Muhyiddin), he dug his own grave.
When Najib turns to the right, he faces Zahid Hamidi, and when he turns left, he confronts Muhyiddin. Thus, Najib is pinned down right and left and sinking rapidly into the grave of his own making!
This is the brilliance of the Triangulation Strategy. We must study and learn from the strategies of the advisers to the Kings of the Three Kingdoms in China.
In the result, Najib must:
1) Compromise with Tun Mahathir Mohamad to negotiate on a honourable exit (whatever that means); or 2) Take on Tun Mahathir Mohamad and be exposed on two hostile flanks, each able and willing to move in for the kill and the ultimate prize; or 3) Give up and walk away to some far-away hide-a-way.
In the case of Zahid Hamidi, he must:
1) Execute the coup d’etat against Najib before he is disposed because Najib realises that with each passing day, Zahid Hamidi can only get stronger and stronger and gather his Palace Guards for the coup d’etat; or 2) Compromise with Muhyiddin to take on Najib if he cannot convince Tun Mahathir Mohamad to support his coup d’etat; or 3) Take on Muhyiddin only to expose himself to the tag team of NajibRosmah that he is eyeing the ultimate political prize. What then?
In the case of Muhyiddin, he must:
1) Use the leverage of his knowledge of the crimes of Najib to secure his position as deputy President and ward off Zahid Hamidi; or 2) Compromise with Zahid Hamidi and take on Najib; or 3) Align with Tun Mahathir Mohamad to take on both Najib and Zahid Hamidi.
There are several other permutations in the tactics that can be adopted by each of the three sides of the triangle.
However, it is only too obvious to the three sides of the triangle, that Tun Mahathir Mohamad would be critical to their survival.
Tyrants often miscalculate their strengths and underestimate the effectiveness of the enemies’ strategies because they hold all the reins of power.
When this miscalculation is compounded by the tactical mind-set that “Cash Is King”, the tyrant would be driven to execute desperate manoeuvres when events turn rapidly to disaster. In those circumstances, the tyrant can no longer trust his “Loyal But Not Smart” followers. He has to choose either a political dog that will bark and bite at his command such as Nazri and Tengku Adnan or a relative, on the basis that “blood is thicker than water’ such as Hishammuddin. However, it should be noted that history is replete with examples when power is
mixed with betrayal, blood is seldom thicker than water. In fact it is blood that would be spilled and the bloodline destroyed or decimated!
The end game of a political strangulation by the strategy of triangulation as described above is never a pretty sight. It would be ugly and very bloody.
UMNO members must decide, but as Tun Mahathir Mohamad never cease to remind us, Melayu Mudah Lupa! So, don’t count on UMNO to save the nation. It has to be the citizens of the country by way of a national movement.
The Opposition parties are still in slumber and have arrogated to themselves that their support is indispensable and that they hold the balance.
But, the Strategist par excellence has also executed a triangulation gambit for them (as there are also three sides to their political pyramid) but they are too pre-occupied over petty squabbles.
Have some humility. Tun Mahathir Mohamad could not have survived and did survive 22 years as Prime Minister without a profound knowledge and more importantly, the practice inter-alia, the Triangulation Strategy.
I have surrendered completely to the WILL OF THE ALMIGHTY and have ABSOLUTE FAITH in HIM.
But, God also enjoins us to act as well and not leave everything to HIM.
Therefore, I have dutifully followed and learn from my Master, Tun Mahathir Mohamad. - http://www.futurefastforward.com/

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