
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 16, 2016

A man of faith never speaks ill of another religion

YOURSAY | ‘Zakir starts every argument by saying that only his religion is right…’
Negarawan: One can find many videos on Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik contradicting himself and making countless factual errors.
Zakir has never accepted invitations to debate with non-Muslim scholars, and this says a lot about his integrity.
A religion is very personal, it’s between an individual and his God, and to attain peace within himself/herself and with others. A religion does not seek to publicly challenge other religions, to prove that it is the greatest religion.
Why are Islamic countries the most corrupted, and why is Islamic terrorism on the rise? Zakir should think about how he can contribute towards these issues.
Anonymous #37634848: The commentators here are making caustic remarks based on hearsay and without knowing the truth about Zakir.
He never pours scorns on other religions. He is an expert on comparative religions and explains the facts with quotations from various religious texts.
He gives preference to non-Muslims to ask questions on their concerns at his lectures. His lectures are attended by millions in not only Hindu India but all over the world. His Peace TV is viewed by over a billion people.
Daniel: This infamous man starts every argument by saying that only his religion is right and only its scriptures is the infallible truth while everyone else's is wrong. What else is there to discuss or debate?
He is banned in several countries for his inflammatory lectures and his infamy is legendary on the Internet. If this character is a special human being, then I'm Saint Peter.
Kawak: Minister Shahidan Kassim, what do you know about other religions? Please watch some of Zakir’s videos in YouTube.
He memorises some relevant parts of other religious texts in his lectures to convince his audience he is an expert. He cleverly chose some of these religious texts and interpret them in relation to his religion.
And when he could not answer his audience, he frequently brushed them off or ridiculed them.
BohChaiSee: He can quote verses from the Holy Bible off the cuff. Very impressive indeed until you realise he almost always quotes them out of context.
There are a few Christian apologists who are thoroughly familiar with the Quran - people like David Woods, Sam Shamoun and Dr Jay Fisher, for example, and Zakir shies away from debating with them.
Anticonmen: Zakir is a fundamentalist mainly interested in conversions to Islam.
As a man who truly claims to be an expert in comparative religion, he should conclude that all religions worship the same being but have different concepts of him and call him by a different name only.
He should acknowledge the many paths to God and talk about seeing God in every religion. This would bring about tolerance and peace.
Anonymous 560221439180274: A man of faith will never disgrace or speak ill of another religion if he strongly believes that all religions originated from the Creator. Only an atheist will do so.
It is so very easy to rubbish another religion than to praise it. If one is truly a scholar of comparative religions, why must one speak about their weaknesses?
Why not highlight their strength? Only then, can one be a man of God.
Worldly Wise: If Zakir is allowed to compare Islam with other religions, advocates of other religions should be allowed to compare their religion with Islam. Freedom of expression must be for all.
Emperor: Give Zakir an island in Terengganu. Well done. Sabah and Sarawak can now invite Christian preachers and give them free land too and promote them as centres for Christian education.
It is more appropriate if the title of Zakir’s religious talks is "Islam and Muslims" as this the biggest issue currently facing Muslims. The terror networks use Islam as their central philosophy and Zakir has yet to counter them.
Zakir can talk about this topic in his ceramah rather than pointing out similarities between Hinduism which is polytheistic and Islam which is monotheistic.
Hang Babeuf: Remember: “uniting the Malays/Muslims/Umno and PAS” = driving further the polarisation of an increasingly bifurcated/dichotomised nation...
Which suits some people just fine! -Mkini

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