
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, April 14, 2016

Swiss AG puts Apandi to shame

AG took to his bed at the start of the month... convenient timing may not have amused the Swiss?

YOURSAY | ‘AG Apandi, who is supposed to be defender of public trust, has failed us all.’
Commentable: If you take this statement by the Swiss Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and read it together with the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report, there is an unmistakable inference as to who done it.
This is definitely the making of the sound of music somewhere in the Swiss Alps - and hopefully with that, we will soon be able to watch the part where the perpetrators face the music.
Anonymous_3e79: The OAG’s statement conclusively proves that money from 1MDB was used by the PM’s family (in this case, his stepson), as the money trail would show that the source of Red Granite funds came from the same "wrong Aabar" entity from which 1MDB had transferred to (authorised by the CEO and ultimately signed off by its advisory board chairperson, who is also the finance minister and prime minister).
Oxymoronictendencies: What can they do? Instigate legal proceedings against IPIC for the apparently illegal behaviour of its key executives would seem to be the most obvious option.
That is of course provided that 1MDB or those directing it are not complicit in the apparent fraud.
However, you can't help but feel that this course of action is not really an option because it's going to rip to shreds whatever remnants there are that 1MDB money was not used to fund Red Granite, a film company partly owned by PM Najib Razak's stepson Riza Aziz. Oh dear. How inconvenient.
It would probably also be prudent for the powers-that-be at 1MDB to think rather carefully about shaking the tail of the Abu Dhabi "tiger".
Najib's Saudi donation story might unravel rather rapidly if 1MDB irritate the Abu Dhabi government too much. Perhaps they were willing to turn a blind eye to the 1MDB/Aabar shenanigans, but is unlikely that they are going to stand by Najib's story in the face of mounting international revelations.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: Kudos to the Swiss OAG. They are proving to be doing what the office is there to do. The AG (Mohamed Apandi Ali) in Malaysia, who is supposed to be the defender of public trust, has sorely failed us all.
The PM and AG have abused this trust. And it continues to shock how both can still be holding office and have other ministers and officials continue to stand up for all the wrong that has been done.
It’s time to get their heads out of the sand and accept that you cannot continue to enrich yourselves at the expense of the country.
Anon1: "Fraud, criminal mismanagement, misconduct in public office, forgery of a document, bribery of public officials and money laundering"?
In which country will these criminals be tried? And which dumb legal firm was advising 1MDB on due diligence issues? A simple search on Aabar Investments PJS Ltd would have revealed its British Virgin Islands (BVI) roots.
Mushiro: It was that quick for the Swiss OAG to trace the fake Aabar money trail which even the Malaysian authorities could have done, but were not allowed to do.
Ipohcrite: When the cover-up over the 1MDB scam couldn't hold up anymore, even sycophantic politicians like Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokhtar Radin start to ditch their loyalty to their BN political masters and, for once, say things that even sound reasonable and rational.
Even rats will try to abandon a sinking ship, but can they?
Dont Just Talk: Bung Mokhtar, your guess is as good as everyone as to what happened to the US$3.51 billion paid to Aabar BVI when IPIC announced that Aabar BVI did not exist within the group but 1MDB said that documents showed otherwise.
Anonymous_1421806811: Najib's silence on the latest announcement of IPIC is deafening.
A normal PM would have voiced his concerns about the management of 1MDB unless of course the signatory to all the transactions is possibly the culprit himself.
Headhunter: How can billions change hands, with money being transferred to shadowy companies with unknown owners? What kind of management would do such a stupid thing?
We are not talking about few thousand dollars but billions of dollars, which are the sweat and tears of the people. Those devious characters who are responsible ought to be shot in front of a firing squad.
For once, Bung is talking some sense. It must be his new kidney.
Slumdog: Wait, wait soon a letter with no letter head, address or other contact details and backdated to 2012 from Aabar Investment PJS (Aabar BVI) will suddenly appear and it will be signed by some unknown person confirming that they received US$3.51 billion.
This will be sufficient evidence for 1MDB, the inspector-general of police (IGP) and AG to not take any further action.
The rakyat will be told to move on and focus on the great work Umno is doing for the people of all races in Malaysia. -Mkini

1 comment:


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