
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

4 ways to create conducive home-based learning


Parents must strive to take an active role in their children’s education now, more than ever. (Freepik pic)

Yam Siew Mei

The recent spike in Covid-19 cases has once again forced students all over Malaysia to revert to home-based learning.

Thankfully, the PdPR (home-based teaching and learning) manual seems to be the best solution in striking a balance between keeping children safe while still engrossed with their studies.

However, handling children while working from home is a herculean task. For one, many parents are virtually out-of-touch with regard to their children’s subjects and syllabus.

To make things worse, their kids are also learning new subjects such as Asas Sains Computer (computer science basics) and Pendidikan Moral.

In this sense, many parents are actually experiencing a classic case of the blind leading the blind.

However, there are some ways to help make home-based learning a lot more effective.

Set up a study area

Designate a quiet and clutter-free spot as a study area, separate from the parents’ workspace. This helps students to focus better, minimise stress and eliminate distractions.

In similar fashion, parents can also create a comfy reading nook for their children so that their kids can learn in the most conducive environment.

Put together a timetable

With no school bells ringing at the moment, it literally feels like the longest school holiday for both students and parents. This is where creating and sticking to a timetable is handy.

By having a timetable, parents can ensure their children are sticking to their school homework deadlines. This organised approach also allows parents to monitor their children’s subjects, which in turn, helps eliminate last-minute surprises.

Stay in touch with your child’s teacher

In supporting a child’s remote learning, parents need to keep in regular contact with their child’s teachers. This is the only way home-based learning can succeed.

If there is a topic you don’t understand or an assignment your kid is unsure of, just text, call or email the teachers. It is absolutely crucial to be proactive parents in this sense.

Set up support groups

Remember that you are not alone in this trying period and that there are other parents out there facing similar predicaments. So, do not hesitate to seek help from others.

You can schedule a weekly video meet with other parents to allow your kids and theirs to do their school work together. This will also allow you to exchange tips, video links or study notes to ease each other’s burden. And if need be, why not enlist the help of your older kids too.

All in all, it is definitely not an easy task to keep pushing through PdPR. However, a change in mindset goes a long way.

Like it or not, Covid-19 is here to stay and will continue to disrupt our lives. Nonetheless, we need to stop pointing fingers and persevere for the sake of our kids.

So, parents, bring your A-game to the PdPR table. Your children need you now more than ever. - FMT

Yam Siew Mei is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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