
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 19, 2021

CITF disputes claims of cover-up after outbreak at vaccination centre


The Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF) has disputed claims of a cover-up following a Covid-19 outbreak at the Setia City Convention Centre (SCCC) vaccination centre.

The CITF, in a statement, stressed that immediate action was taken after it was discovered that seven personnel at the centre had tested positive for Covid-19 on July 11.

This was after health news portal CodeBlue, quoting volunteers at SCCC, claimed that authorities hid Covid-19 cases and failed to comply with the standard operating procedure (SOP) or conduct mass testing following the outbreak.

The volunteers claimed they were not informed of the Covid-19 cases and only found out themselves.

This prompted the volunteers to get tested on their own accord, one of whom later turned out to also be positive with Covid-19.

However, the CITF gave a different account, maintaining that close contacts were notified.

"The close contact list was identified and all of them were asked to get tested and quarantined pending the result."

It added that their results were negative.

'Positive cases are private'

The CITF also said the details of those tested positive for Covid-19 cannot be disclosed.

"Only accredited medical officers are allowed to possess such information as details of positive cases are private and confidential.

"At the same time, SCCC does not prevent any personnel from undergoing tests (for Covid-19)," it said.

It also stressed that the affected areas at SCCC were immediately sanitised.

CITF added that all personnel at the vaccination centres are also required to abide by the SOP which includes social distancing and temperature monitoring.

"CITF will continue to ensure all vaccination centres abide by the necessary guidelines and SOP to ensure there is no risk of the disease spreading at the vaccination centres," it said. - Mkini

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