
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 11, 2021

Dia Tahu Tapi Dia Tak Buat Apanama Pun

Dr Mahathir was absolutely certain that UMNO would not last beyond 2020.  Well yes and no.

Well yes UMNO lost the general elections in 2018. 

But the new PM, Tun Dr Mahathir himself was/is UMNO.  

The "leading" Opposition fellow Anwar Ibrahim was/is UMNO. 

And he is still dearly loved by Zahid Hamidi the present Umno president.

Then Dr Mahathir was coup d'etat-ed by the present PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who was/is also UMNO for his entire political career.   

The Deputy PM now is Umno. The Senior Minister and most likely next PM will be H2O who is also UMNO.

So UMNO has not yet disappeared from the scene. 

If UMNO gets rid of Zahid Hamidi, najib Razak and about two dozen old dinosaurs and bad hats, the party wil be rejuvenated.  Will they do it soon enough? Not likely. 

But lets get back to Dr Mahathir. So he knew 20 years ago that UMNO will not last beyond 2020. 

So what did he do about it?

In the early 1990s the then IGP had warned Dr Mahathir about Pintu Belakang. He dismissed the IGP's warning.

In the early 1990s Dr Mahathir knew that the Pemuda fellow at that time had amassed RM240 million wealth. What did he do about it? Nothing. Today sudah masuk Kluster Mahkamah.

Circa 2000 I already suggested in my newspaper columns that we should limit the term of the Prime Minister to two terms only. And we should limit the terms of the Menteri Besars and the Chief Ministers to two terms only. That alone would have solved almost ALL of UMNO's problems. Plus the country's problems as well.

We would have had frequent changes of leadership not only in the Federal Government but in all the States. 

No dynasties in Terengganu, Kelantan, Sarawak, Perlis, Perak, Johor and elsewhere would have developed with their 'till death do us part' type of leadership.

No such things as Prime Minister for life would have happened.

Sadly when we did not limit the term of the PM it also sort of automatically created dynasties in the political parties. 

Not just UMNO but other parties like MIC, MCA, PAS, DAP, PKR, Sarawak and Sabah developed dynastic politics. Which has caused so mcuh havoc, abuse of power, corruption and the 'ini aku punya' mentality which has so ruined this country so much.

And ruined those political parties as well. 

Umno itself should have limited the term of its President, Ketua Bahagian and Majlis Tertinggi fellows to not more than two terms.  That by itself would have created so much new blood in the party. 

This is the disease that inflicts this country - we are ruled by old dinosaurs who are becoming even more constipated. 

As Ummi Hafilda said, since she was in Standard 1 in Primary School the same politicians and leaders have been around. 

How to save UMNO? How to save Malaysia? 

Get rid of these constipated old dinosaurs. Change the diapers lah. Its full of +&#%. 

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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