
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Father gives up 13 cows after one caused his son's death


A father in Jeli, Kelantan is giving up all 13 of his cows following the tragic incident where his six-year-old son was dragged to death by one of the farm animals yesterday.

Raja Hishamuddin Raja Yusuf, 29, said among the cows he’s selling is the one that caused the death of Raja Abdul Wafi (above), who died after being dragged 50 meters in the 6.40pm incident in Kampung Rahmat, Jeli.

“Even though all the cows have been cared for in the past five years and been a source of income, I can no longer afford to take care of them after what happened.

“Wafi was dragged to death right before my eyes, and I was traumatised. I’m no longer able to set foot on the field to manage all the cows.

"I have to give them up, including my late son's favourite cow," said the distraught father when contacted by the media today.

Malaysiakini yesterday reported that a child had died at Jeli Hospital due to severe head injuries after being dragged by a cow for 50 meters.

The incident happened when the victim went to the scene with his father to gather their cows.

Like the child's best friend

Raja Hishammuddin said the cow that caused Wafi's death was one that was gentle with his son.

“The cow was already like my son’s best friend and had been his pet for the last two years. I did not expect his death to be caused by the same cow.

“Every evening, the two of us would go together to gather the 13 cows that were tied up at the field, which is about one kilometre from the house.

"The cow is my son's favourite because we have been taking care of it for two years since Wafi was four," he said.

Raja Hishamuddin said Wafi loved the animal so much that he could hear his son's voice, asking him not to sell his beloved two-year-old cow.

“Wafi would talk to the cow almost every day, as though he was talking to a friend.

“Still, I believe if the incident happened to anyone else, they would also make the same decision.

"I hope there are people who are interested in buying these cows," he said. - Mkini

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