
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 30, 2021

'Interim government' talk takes root in Umno


As tensions between Putrajaya and Istana Negara simmer, some Umno figures are proposing that the party jettisons Perikatan Nasional in favour of a new interim government.

In a statement today, Umno vice-president Mohamed Khaled Nordin said quitting PN was the better alternative to allowing the country's problems to fester.

"Umno must use this opportunity to show leadership for a country that is in desperate need of it.

"Umno must save Malaysia by working towards forming an interim government with just three goals," he said.

Umno vice-president Mohamed Khaled Nordin

The goals, according to Khaled, are to manage the economy, manage the health crisis and prepare the country for the 15th general election.

The interim government can do so by ensuring that Parliament convenes, guaranteeing freedom of the press and ensuring that all government decisions are held accountable by Parliament.

"The time for Umno being involved (with those) who has a lust for power and positions in the PN government has come to an end.

"Umno lawmakers must choose: stand with the rulers and people or stand with the prime minister and PN," said Khaled.

Similarly, Umno supreme council member Johari Abdul Ghani said an interim government was necessary primarily to focus on the vaccination process so the (general) election can be held.

"The time has come for all political leaders to support an interim prime minister that would focus on vaccination and ensuring that no one is left out.

"Since it is projected that all adults can be vaccinated by October 2021, the interim prime minister can dissolve Parliament by the end of this year and hold the (general) election in early 2022," Johari said in a statement.

Umno supreme council member Johari Abdul Ghani

He said that the country is already facing a health and economic crisis, therefore the country cannot afford the latest tiff between Putrajaya and Istana Negara.

"With the Yang di-Pertuan Agong yesterday stating his 'deep disappointment' with the government and a statement from the prime minister's office claiming that the government had acted lawfully, it is clear that we are headed towards a constitutional crisis," said Johari.

Yesterday, the Agong lashed out at Putrajaya for failing to ensure that the emergency ordinances were debated in Parliament as required under Article 150(3) of the Federal Constitution.

The Agong also accused de facto Law Minister Takiyuddin Hassan of misleading Parliament on July 26 into thinking that the revocation of emergency ordinances has received royal assent.

However, the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) responded by stating that the emergency ordinances need not be debated in Parliament and that the Agong should act on advice of the cabinet in accordance with Article 40 of the Federal Constitution.

The PMO's statement has alluded that royal assent has not been received as of July 26 because it stated that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was granted an audience by the king only on July 27, where the Agong was advised to revoke the emergency ordinances.

 - Mkini

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