
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Stop Talking, Just Do It On 26th July


Anyway, they should stop shouting and screaming. Just topple the government through a vote of no confidence on 26th July and let’s be done with it. And if by 1st or 2nd August it does not happen, then STFU and let the government get on with its job. We are tired of all the non-stop moaning and bitching by people who are desperate and bankrupt of ideas.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(Suara TV) – Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO tidak berbalah mengenai keputusan untuk menarik sokongan terhadap Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, kata Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan.

Selaku Setiausaha Agung UMNO, Ahmad memaklumkan seramai 50 daripada 56 anggota Majlis Tertinggi telah menandatangani borang untuk menyatakan persetujuan mereka sebelum mesyuarat diadakan pada minggu lalu.

Pada 7 Julai lalu, Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mengumumkan keputusan parti itu menarik sokongan terhadap Muhyiddin yang dikatakan gagal membendung penularan Covid-19.

Keputusan itu diumumkan selepas mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO yang diadakan secara maya.

Ahmad Maslan berkata, ada di kalangan ahli Majlis Tertinggi yang berbeza pendapat tentang bilakah Umno perlu menarik kembali sokongannya terhadap Muhyiddin, yang kini memiliki majoriti tipis di Dewan Rakyat.

It’s very tiring to hear the same mantra being repeated again and again but nothing happens after all that talk.

Malaysia is a failed state. Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional ‘Kerajaan Gagal’. Muhyiddin Yassin Perdana Menteri ‘pintu belakang’.

Before that, during Najib Tun Razak’s time, it used to be kleptocrat, kleptocracy, penyamun, lanun, pencuri, and so on. When Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was prime minister, it was Idi Amin Malaysia, Mahazalim, Mahafiraun, Mamak Bendahara, etc.

Yes, Malaysians just love calling people all sorts of names. It is actually a sign of an inferiority complex. When those people feel inferior, they mock others who are their betters. I am also constantly subjected to verbal abuse by people who are inferior to me, especially Malaysians who have a poor command of English.

Anyway, we keep hearing these Umno people saying that Muhyiddin Yassin no longer has the majority in Parliament. And they say he should resign and hand power to a new prime minister since he has already lost majority support in Parliament.

Actually, Muhyiddin needs to do no such thing. Why should he resign just because Lokman Noor Adam, Ahmad Maslan, or orang-orang yang sewaktu dengannya say he has lost his majority in Parliament? They need to prove that Muhyiddin has lost his majority in Parliament.

Parliament will be sitting for five days from 26th July 2021. That’s only 13 days from now. So, the anti-Muhyiddin people have 13 days to gather their forces for a vote of no confidence during those five days.

According to the anti-Muhyiddin group, if they cannot push for a front door vote of no confidence, they will attempt a backdoor vote of no confidence by defeating whatever Bills the government tables regarding the Emergency, Stimulus Package, Covid-19 matters, and whatnot.

Tajuddin said Umno is not ready for a general election and will need at least another year to prepare

Umno leader Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, who is also the elections director, told the supreme council that Umno is not ready for the general election or GE15. Umno needs at least another year to be ready. If a general election is held now, Umno will get wiped out.

Another Umno leader, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, however, feels that if they wait another year, by then the economy would have improved and the Covid-19 pandemic would have been resolved. Then the government would look good, and it would harder to topple the government.

So, the timing to topple the government has to be now, while the economy and the pandemic are still problems and have not been resolved yet. “Strike while the iron is hot,” said Rahman.

Rahman Dahlan said they need to topple the government now before the government begins to look good

As the Indonesians would say, “Dalam kesempitan ada kesempatan.” In other words, there is opportunity in crisis. Hence, the time to bring down the government is now when the country is facing a crisis and before stability has been restored.

The anti-Muhyiddin group feels that the situation is going to get better, and hence the credit will go to the government. If the government is toppled now and a new government takes over, then the credit will go to the new government, not to the old government that has been ousted.

The bottom line is, the anti-Muhyiddin group feels that the situation is going to get better. Hence, they need to bring down the government before the situation gets better. If not, people will say the Perikatan Nasional government is good. And the anti-Muhyiddin group does not want people to say the Perikatan Nasional government is good.

The need to topple Muhyiddin by the end of July or else STFU

And that is why Selangor is sabotaging the Covid-19 vaccination program. Instead of vaccinating Selangorians, they are focusing on testing because they know, the more they test, the higher the Covid positive figures will go. And some of those tested by the government show Covid positive but when tested through a private doctor it shows negative (which they have to pay RM300 to do).

Something real funny is going on here. The anti-Muhyiddin group needs things to look bad as an excuse to topple the government. So, they are sabotaging Selangor’s fight against Covid-19. And they feel the time to topple the government is now, before things begin to improve — because for sure things are going to improve.

Anyway, they should stop shouting and screaming. Just topple the government through a vote of no confidence on 26th July and let’s be done with it. And if by 1st or 2nd August it does not happen, then STFU and let the government get on with its job. We are tired of all the non-stop moaning and bitching by people who are desperate and bankrupt of ideas.

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