
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

YB Liew Chin Tong's Message

 Here is the the DAP's YB Liew Chin Tong. I have some comments after this short video.

Thank you YB Liew. A brief and concise four minute video. 

In the video YB Liew Chin Tong says that we should :

  1. reject the emergency
  2. reject dictatorship
  3. do not want a snap poll now

Point 3 already contradicts Point 2. 

You say reject the dictator but lets not have any polls.  In other words, without polls you will have a new dictator.  It will still be a dictatorship. It will become another case of 'My dictator is better than your dictator'. Do read on.

YB Liew wants to go back to Parliament to work out a compromise. Fine. 

He says a political compromise needs FIVE things among which is :

"The PM shud find ways to co-govern with other parties". 

YB Liew, the Perikatan Nasional already consists of Bersatu, UMNO, Pas, MIC, MCA, STAR, SAPP, Gerakan. That is EIGHT parties. So PN is already governing with other parties.

On the other hand your Pakatan Harapan has only three members DAP, PKR and Amanah. It looks like the PH wants to govern with only THREE parties.

Most importantly the PN have not been unseated. Meaning they have at least 111 MPs on their side. Even after Zahid Hamidi's statement about pulling out of the PN, Mr Lim Kit Siang said that the majority in Parliament was still not clear. This means before Zahid's 'pullout' statement the majority was bigger for  the PN.  

YB Liew you say that Bersatu has only 31 seats while UMNO has 38 seats yet Bersatu calls all the shots.  

Well the Deputy PM is now from UMNO and the Senior Minister is also from UMNO. UMNO has a big number of Ministers in the PN Cabinet.  

But your party DAP has 42 seats while PKR has only 35 seats, yet you want Anwar to be your PM. In such an arrangement who will 'call the shots"?  Anwar with 35 seats or DAP with 42 seats? 

Your statement 'rotation of power is an important part of parliamentary democracy' is absolutely correct. And that rotation is realised through the ballot box. We vote once every five years. It is a tried and tested system. The next elections are due in 2023. 

You can have all the Parliamentary Committees you want, pay them Minister's salary, Deputy Minister's salary etc but will you :

1.  reduce all forms of taxes on motor vehicle imports such that our car prices match the international averages?

2. will you get rid of the AP system?

3. Will you abolish the Sedition Act?

4.  Will you abolish the tolls? Or reduce them drastically, without involving taxpayers funds?

5. Will you liberalise the banking sector?

When you were in power for 22 months you did not do any of these things. You 'cold storaged' the Sedition Act for a few weeks and then reinstated the Sedition Act. 

You did not reduce even one sen of toll.

Our motorcar prices are still among the highest in the world. Why? And for what?  

You say Parliament must dissolve on 16th July, 2023 only. Fine, I agree, So will you amend the Federal Constitution to write this down in stone? Can you do this?

Why are you not suggesting that we limit the tenure of the Prime Minister to TWO TERMS only? That is more important for the future of this country.

The country has failed because the same old bad policies of the past 50 years have not been abolished or amended. So we  need your confirmation that you will abolish those old policies and what are the new policies that you will put in place? 

A new PM or an old PM, new government, old government etc do not make any difference if the old policies simply do not change.

Please state clearly what will be your policy proposals?

Otherwise we dont want a situation where the DAP "is responsible" for all the projects in Penang, Selangor, Perak etc. 

Your coalition partners get the lion's share of the other States etc. 

Back to the same "one for you, two for me" situation.

We do not just need new leaders. We need new policies. What are your policies?

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.

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