
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 10, 2021

YOURSAY | What did Ismail Sabri do to deserve promotion?


YOURSAY | ‘His time overseeing the nation’s Covid-19 SOPs has only led to a growth in cases…’

Ismail Sabri starts work as deputy prime minister

Poppy: The problem with this nation is that as long as you are a team player, you will be promoted, whether it is in the political field or in the ranks of the civil service. It does not depend on your capability.

With thousands dead and millions suffering the wrath of Covid-19, newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has nothing to add to his resume. He has had no positive contribution all these months, especially the past seven months of emergency rule.

Instead, we have seen the virus outsmarting him and his team of incapable strategists or whatever you call them. We have instead been sliding downwards into a hole that will take years to get out of. Our neighbours have outpaced us even in this time of crisis.

As they say, it is not in the interest of the people that our politicians are fighting. They keep repeating that mantra that all they are fighting for is the betterment of the people.

The facts very clearly show, as DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang says, the economy is in a grim position, but our political situation looks grimmer.

OCT: It's laughable that an announcer for the standard operating procedures (SOPs) and the movement control order (MCO) was promoted to be the DPM.

Ismail Sabri has practically no credentials to show that he did a good job in the fight against the pandemic to warrant a promotion.

In fact, Ismail Sabri is responsible for the mess and suffering of the rakyat. His SOPs and MCOs have caused huge confusion for the enforcers and the rakyat. These measures have failed one after another, causing Covid-19 cases to rise as he leaves his former office for a newer one.

In reality, Ismail Sabri has failed to discharge his duty to protect the rakyat against the pandemic. If Malaysia has this incompetent DPM to lead, Malaysia will become a very big mess. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is inept. His DPM is a failure. This is a perfect combination for a failed state.

The PM’s objective was to keep his top job by promoting a failure to protect his political career and not to help him fight the pandemic. Both of them have no clue in fighting the pandemic.

The war has not ended though Perikatan Nasional (PN) has won this battle. There will be twists and turns from now till the end of the month.

OceanMaster: Ismail Sabri, here is your record for Thursday. The nation saw 8,868 new infections, 135 people dead - which was the highest in a day, 952 people in the intensive care unit (ICU), 445 people needing ventilator support to breathe, and you got promoted to DPM.

In India, a bunch of ministers were sacked for the same reason.

Doc: When President Barack Obama started his term, he inherited a country in deep recession and two wars in the Middle East. Being a Harvard-trained lawyer, he naturally brought to his cabinet the best minds and experts in the fields of finance and economics, Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geither.

The financial collapse of 2008 was stabilised in a short period of two years. The raging wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were stabilised with the help of the US’ best armed forces minds like General David Petraeus.

Similarly, President Joe Biden inherited an America facing an economic and medical disaster. Similarly, he got the best experts in the field of infectious disease, public health, economics, and finance to manage the pandemic and the financial collapse.

After orchestrating a lighting-speed vaccination programme and a trillion-dollar financial package to stabilise the economy with help from a multiracial team the best America could offer, the pandemic there is under control and their vaccination programme is chugging along at an acceptable speed. And the US economy is set to show an upwards trend in the second quarter of 2021.

Now, the problem here in Malaysia, the PM is not only a lame-duck PM but has not demonstrated intelligence and has filled his super-bloated cabinet and ministerial positions with the best morons the country can offer. On top of that, the best minds in the fields of medicine, infectious disease, finance, and economics are ridiculed, sidelined, and put in cold storage.

This is the reason why Malaysians are suffering from this pandemic and economic mismanagement. Malaysia is being steered by a ship of fools and supported by an army of brain-dead morons. And the new DPM is pretty much the same being repackaged for better presentation.

Harimau_Arif: Indeed, in other countries, the best minds with proven track records are being elected to lead their countries.

In Bolehland, we have a DPM who’s famous for his failed Mara Digital Mall. Isn’t it amazing when the country is locked down and yet, the number of daily cases is still increasing?

WhiteMoose0037: Clearly, Ismail Sabri has not been successful in containing the pandemic. It is getting worse and causing the economy to spiral.

There is a spike in bankruptcies, joblessness, and suicides. As it is, factories here are planning to move to Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam as they have a more stable government there.

Ismail Sabri does not know how a business operates. His attempt to assist the bumiputeras with “Low Yat 2” was a disaster and he had many other failures during his time in Najib Abdul Razak’s cabinet.

His stay will be short when the people realise his shortcomings.

IndigoSwan6963: Ismail Sabri, whether the rakyat like it or otherwise, you are now appointed the DPM. Tell us, what will be your primary focus in your role and how would you do it differently and successfully?

Will you advise the rakyat how you will also look into those unscrupulous deals under PN? Will you now be a DPM for all Malaysians instead of only your kind?

Tell us how you can now help the marginalised, the poor and needy, and how you will help all businesses instead of seeing them one by one closing down? Will you stand tall and rise above the occasion to make a difference?

Note that your role as the DPM comes with high responsibilities. Do you practise the rule of law?

Mind you, all Malaysians are watching. I hope that your role as DPM is not the shortest in history. - Mkini

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