
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 14, 2021

Part 1 : Ok Jadi Ahli Politik Dan Ahli Parlimen Dapat Tawaran Lumayan, But What About Me, What About The Rakyat Marhaen? Kami Dapat Apa? Deja Vu Kembali Sekali Lagi. Orang Melayu Tak Faham Mereka Di Permainkan

 Ok Tuan-Tuan first of all the most urgent point today is that amidst all the present cacophony and noise that is going on about the no confidence vote, the PM having lost the majority support, the latest round of Covid relief programs etc etc Dracula and Gang are back. And they are already quietly and quickly planning big things with big money.  Our money.  

They play in the billions of Ringgit - with our taxpayers funds. The way they have set things up they do not have to go to Parliament to spend these billions of Ringgits. And the more chaos and noise that is going on  in the country, and the people's attention is distracted,  the easier it is for Dracula and Gang to empty the Tabung Darah, I will explain more about this here

Yesterday DAP's YB Ong Kian Ming has made a sensible statement that the Opposition MPs should take up the PM's offer that they will support him in the No Confidence if indeed the Federal Constitution can be changed to limit the tenure of the PM to two terms only.

Tuan-tuan believe me this is a fantastic proposal by the Prime Minister. Since before 2000 I have been screaming about limiting the tenure of the PM, the tenure of the Menteri Besar, the Chief Ministers and even the tenure of the Members of Parliament and the ADUNs to TWO TERMS ONLY.  I have written about this in my newspaper columns in the 1990s, in my books and in this Blog. Many times. 

Now another 21 long years have passed before a Prime Minister himself (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, thank you very much) has put forward this proposal.  

At long, long last the Prime Minister has made the offer. The Opposition  MPs must grab this chance. The only politicians opposed to this proposal are those chameleons who want to be PM for life - they want to be dictators. They want to main buntot until they die.

  • I have said this before many, many times. 
  • We do not need a new PM. 
  • What we need are new policies. 

The PM's suggestion to amend the Federal Constitution to limit the tenure of the PM to TWO TERMS is the first major positively good policy suggestion since Merdeka in 1957. This proposal will benefit all Malaysians - regardless of race or religion.

The rot in this country was actually planted by the British in our Federal Constitution and in our Federal Laws. There are many, many booby traps in our Federal Constitution and in the laws of the country. Just one tiny example, we had to amend the Federal Constitution vis a vis the Rulers (have you forgotten?) Then in the Federal Constitution there are those pesky definitions of race, religion bla bla. Another booby trap. Then there is that increasingly unworkable State List, Federal List and other such crap. I call it crap. We have also the useless and evil Sedition Act (Akta Hasutan), the really stone age and stupid Defamation Acts (Akta Fitnah), the Religious Criminal Enactments etc. 

There are too many booby traps in both our Federal Constitution and in our Federal and State laws. Tetapi malangnya orang Melayu tak faham apa pun dan orang Melayu tak ambil pot. So, lantak pi lah, nak kata apa lagi.

Back to the PM's offer to limit the tenure of the PM to TWO TERMS and YB Ong Kian Ming's positive response to the suggestion - may I strongly suggest that the DAP and all the Opposition MPs take up the PM's offer?  Yes this will indeed have far reaching and positive consequences for the future of this country. 

A lot of the money politics, top Government level corruption etc,  corruption involving the GLCs, the cronyism etc etc will be greatly reduced. Especially when the Prime Minister (and his  cronies) know that the new Prime Minister may come after them and put them in jail. Exactly like what is happening now to the Kleptocrats. 

So this offer to limit the tenure of the Prime Minister to TWO TERMS must be taken up by all Members of Parliament who really care for the future of all Malaysians. Believe me only those crooked politicians who do not like democracy will not agree to this proposal. 

As for the vote of confidence aka the vote of no confidence, please note that katakanlah the DAP abstains from the No Confidence Vote to be held on September 6th 2021, it still does not give the Prime Minister the majority support of Parliament.  

If the DAP's 42 MPs abstain, it does NOT MEAN that the Prime Minister will have that MAGIC NUMBER of 110 MPs on his side.  The Prime Minister may have LESS THAN 110 MPs on his side. 

To my understanding, without at least 110 MPs on his side it becomes nonsensical for the Prime Minister to remain as the PM. FOR THE VERY SIMPLE REASON THAT WITHOUT 110 MPs ON HIS SIDE THE PM CANNOT HAVE ANY BILLS PASSED IN PARLIAMENT.

Lets say on September 6th 2021 there are only 102 MPs who support the PM. 42 DAP MPs abstain and the remaining 76 MPs do not support the PM.  It is still below the threshold 110 MPs.

If the PM remains in power with only 102 MPs, then at the following session of Parliament the 76 Opposition MPs plus the 42 DAP MPs = 118 MPs can together vote against any Parliamentary bills. The Government will not function. The Government will collapse automatically. 

So unless Tan Sri Muhyiddin gets at least 111 MPs on his side on September 6th 2021, then it is Game Over.

This is where I suggested to the DAP's YB Liew Chin Tong just a few days ago in this Blog.

Go and talk to the PM now. The DAP is the kingmaker now. DONT ASK  THE PM on behalf of the DAP alone. Dont just negotiate for the benefit of the DAP. 

Go and speak to the PM and Bersatu on behalf of ME, Syed Akbar Ali.  What can you do for me - Syed Akbar Ali - the ordinary rakyat?  What is in it for me?

I have already suggested to YB Liew Chin Tong to ask the PM to:


2. immediately reduce ALL IMPORT DUTIES, TAXES, LEVIES, EXCISE ETC ETC on motor vehicles that will reduce motor vehicle prices by at least 25% - 30%.  Please get this done.  About the 30% reduction in tolls I have inside information. It has been confirmed by VVVIP 'Tun' people.

I believe some of these were part of that Pakatan Harapan manifesto. The one that Tun Dr Mahathir spat upon. 

But dont stop there. The YAB Prime Minister has already offered to reduce the tenure of the PM to two terms.

Ask the Prime Minister to also throw in as much of that Pakatan Harapan manifesto as possible.  Ask the PM to agree to abolish the Sedition Act - which Gobind Singh Deo miserably failed to abolish (after announcing that it had been cold storaged.) 

So YB Ong Kian Ming, YB Liew Chin Tong, other YB DAP MPs now is the opportunity to press the matter home.  

Do this for me Syed Akbar Ali, the ordinary rakyat.  For once let the ordinary rakyat get something out of all this. 

Now I want to address the following to YAB Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyuddin Yassin. 

Dear Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin :

1.  Firstly I have lost track of all the tens (now hundreds) of billions of Ringgit in Covid relief that you keep announcing. The latest announcement was yesterday August 13th, 2021.

Just from my Inbox alone, you have been announcing billions and billions of Covid Relief programs on  :   

  • May 31st 2021
  • June 15th 2021
  • July 26 2021
  • August 13 2021 

plus others. 

Tan Sri in your speech yesterday 13th August, 2021 you said:

6. Hari ini, kita telah mengumumkan bahawa ekonomi Malaysia berkembang sebanyak 16.1% pada suku kedua 2021. Berbanding dengan suku-suku sebelumnya, tren pemulihan yang berterusan ini adalah bukti jelas bahawa dasar-dasar kerajaan telah membuahkan hasil, walaupun dalam keadaan yang amat mencabar

Perkembangan ekonomi sebanyak 16.1% suku kedua?? Really?  

Dear Tan Sri, I dont think anyone believes this. Especially when on the same day Bank Negara Malaysia says they have slashed the GDP growth forecast to 3%. Please read here :


Bank Negara's statement throws plenty of cold water on your 16.1% growth in the 2nd quarter claim.  

So either your speech writers are blur or there are some people trying to sabotage you, You better be careful. 

I know some of those Covid Relief numbers (the billions and billions) overlap but you keep making a new Media Statement about every FOUR WEEKS and in each of these Media Statements you tambah lagi berbillion-billion Ringgit Covid Relief. If you add up all your billions of Ringgit of Covid Aid it possibly exceeds RM100 Billion. 

You sound like Abdullah Badawi who went around the country announcing hundreds of billions of Ringgit for those tipu punya Economic Corridors projects - northern economic corridor, eastern economic corridor, southern economic corridor, Sabah economic corridor, which actually added up to over RM1.0 TRILLION DOLLARS.  Nothing much has happened? Apa jadi dengan semua corridor itu?  Did you know that the same fellow was behind ALL those economic corridor speeches? 

So dear Tan Sri, betul ke semua ini berpuluh billion Covid Relief? Where is all that money coming from?

And how exactly is all this billions of Ringgit "reaching" us the rakyat? Through the middle men?

Contohnya the really world class cock-up over the Covid vaccines. Now Penang says they have run out of vaccines. Please click here :


Just the other day the vaccine fellows said they have imported extra 14 million doses of vaccines which  they wanted to sell to the private sector.   But you said all the imported vaccines have been FULLY PAID for using taxpayers funds.  So how come Penang says they cannot get enough vaccines? What is going on?  What are they doing with taxpayers funds?

The Covid Vaccination is NOT  Government aid. That is a necessary and compulsory responsibility and obligation of the Government to us the taxpayers. We have already paid you our money. Now go and get the vaccination done. 

And that withdrawal from EPF. Itu duit kami sendiri. Simpanan hari tua kami. That is not government aid at all.

But other than that I - Syed Akbar Ali, my wife and family - have NOT received ANY other aid from the Government. That loan moratorium is a postponement of paying bank loans.   No interest or  loan payments have been permanently cancelled.  

The monopolistic GLC dominated Banking Cartel Mafia made over RM30 Billion in profits last year alone - despite the Covid 19. So the Banking Cartel Mafia is laughing all the way to the bank. 

And they will still get their pound of flesh. 

Instead in your latest Covid relief Media Statement yesterday 13th August 2021 you are going to spend even more of our money, taxpayers money, on the politicians :  

1.  saya telah mengumumkan pemberian peruntukan 300 ribu ringgit  kepada semua Ahli Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara tanpa mengira parti 

(OSTB : Ahli Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara pula yang dapat duit lagi. Banyak cantik Tan Sri. You are dishing out OUR money again, taxpayers funds.)

2.  penyumber luaran pesakit dari hospital awam ke hospital swasta, selaras dengan pendekatan “Whole of Nation”.

(OSTB : Banyak cantik Tan Sri. You are dishing out OUR money again, taxpayers funds to the private hospitals. I am absolutely positive the main "beneficiries" of this dishing out taxpayers funds will be those GLC owned private hospitals. The Dracula Gang Mafia will benefit.)

3.  Kerajaan akan menyediakan kakitangan sokongan dan saraan yang berpatutan kepada semua Pengerusi  Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen

(OSTB : "saraan yang berpatutan" ?? Bayar duit lagi !! Kepada "semua Pengerusi  Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen." Banyak cantik Tan Sri. You are dishing out OUR money again, taxpayers funds.)

5.  Ketua Pembangkang akan diberikan saraan dan kemudahan yang setara dengan seorang Menteri Kanan.

(OSTB : Nauzubillah !  Ketua Pembangkang dapat gaji Menteri Kanan pula? Bayar duit rakyat lagi? Habis gaji dan elaun MP yang sedia ada macam mana? Gaji  Ahli Parlimen sudah lebih RM25,000.  Tak cukup ke?  Banyak cantik Tan Sri. You are dishing out OUR money again, taxpayers funds.)

But What About Me, What About The Rakyat Marhaen? Kami Dapat Apa?

What do we get?

There will be a Part 2 soon. Thank you. 

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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