
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 18, 2024


 Here is some news that is now becoming more common. Now there is a flood of Malays going across to work in Singapore.  Not only that but the number of Malays migrating to Australia is also increasing. 


  • M'sian univ lecturer earns five times more working as cleaner in S'pore
  • his salary at university was RM1,900 after five years
  • some months I did not have enough money.
  • Sometimes, I couldn't make it through middle of the month 
  • My salary stagnant while cost of living kept rising
  • he decided to look for a job in Singapore
  • he found a job as a cleaner in Singapore
  • basic salary SGD3,100 (RM10,860)
  • his new wage across the causeway eased his financial burdens
  • working in Singapore can change your fortune.
  • With the first paycheck alone, I settled various things
  • travelling back and forth to Singapore worth the remuneration
  • Earning a high salary (in Singapore) can be a reality

My Comments :

But rest assured that Malaysia has more millionaires and billionaires than Singapore. The rich here in Malaysia are super rich while in Singapore they are just normal rich.

This situation is reflective of the caste system that now exists in Malaysia. The super elite are those who have some cable connections to the politicians, to the government (at federal, state and local govt levels). They get rich by pull and connections rather than being able to compete effectively. They have licenses, monopolies, advantages that the ordinary citizen does not have.

The ordinary people who do not have the connections get left out.  Hence the flow of money, wealth and resources in the economy is not decided by effort, being able to compete and hard work.  Hard work may not bring you the rewards you deserve.

The elite who have connections and are on the inside track can get rich with almost not working at all.  So the flow of resources in this type of economy is not decided by market forces.

What does this really mean? It means that there are only so many eggs in the basket. There is only so much money and wealth in the economy at any one time. Those with the cables and connections get more of the eggs. They get more of the money in the economy for much less effort than the ordinary citizen.

In Malaysia each time the ordinary citizen buys a car he pays very high prices to the few elite who possess the APs and the connections.  They become super rich. The ordinary citizen becomes poorer.  Plus the insanely high motor vehicle import taxes and duties payable to the gomen.

In the picture above in Los Angeles, California the Toyota Camry sells at only about US$26,000 (about RM122,000 ! ! ! ). In Malaysia the selling prices for Toyota Camrys start at RM219,800 !!  Almost RM100,000 more than the price in Los Angeles, California.

Tuan-Tuan California is one of the most expensive places in the world in terms of workers salaries and rental for car showrooms. Yet the American car buyers can buy a Toyota Camry for almost RM100,000 less than in Malaysia where a university lecturer with five years work experience was paid only RM1,900 monthly salary.  He was forced to go and work in Singapore as a cleaner to earn more money.

So in Malaysia the workers (even university graduates) are paid peanuts while car prices are so expensive.

In the United States (as one example only) their salaries are high but their car prices are much, much cheaper than here in Malaysia.

Tuan-Tuan pay attention ok.  So here in Malaysia the salaries (Item A) paid to the labour force is very low but our car prices (item B)  are so high.  I am using car prices just as one example - there are many, many more examples where Malaysians pay unfair and monopolistic prices.

So item B minus item A = very, very high profits being made by intermediaries in our economy.

These intermediaries are the gomen (high taxes, duties, levies etc), the elite (monopolists, license holders, AP holders) etc. This is the economic system that we have in this country.

This is how the flow of economic resources in this country is skewed, tilted to one side  or senget sebelah.   This has been going on for almost 50 years now. 

So you can work and work and work, you can slog and slog and slog. You will see your children work and work and work. But you are never going to make a really comfortable income. That is becoming more elusive.  

Kalau anak Tuan-Tuan sudah belajar sampai universiti, suruh anak Tuan-Tuan pergi kerja cleaner di Singapura.  

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT,

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