
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Time’s up DAP, Mah says at joint Gerakan-MCA gathering

Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong says DAP has wasted 10 years of everyone's time in Penang, and gives his assurance Gerakan and MCA will work together for GE14.
Mah-Siew-Keong-parti-dap-1KUALA LUMPUR: DAP’s days are numbered in Penang, says Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong, adding that the ruling state government had wasted 10 years of everyone’s time.
According to Mah, who is also plantation industries and commodities minister, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had failed the state particularly in the handling of the recent floods there.
“10 years. In life, how many 10 years do we have? For 10 years they have lied to the people in Penang,” Mah said, adding that when DAP was the opposition in Penang, the party criticised every development project under Gerakan and BN.
The Teluk Intan MP said that the DAP-led state government however, “went into overdrive” after winning the state in the March 8, 2008 general election.
“In eight years, they approved 39 projects in Tanjung Bungah alone compared with the four projects approved by Gerakan in the few years before 2008. I have asked them about this but the Penang state government dare not answer whether it is true.
“They failed in tackling the issues in Penang regardless of the environment, the Sungai Lembu issue, the floods. They failed the people,” Mah said in his opening address at the MCA and Gerakan Stronger Together assembly at the MCA headquarters here today.
He also questioned the state government for their inaction over the past 10 years, and for always blaming the previous chief minister – former Gerakan president Koh Tsu Koon – when criticised.
“They have been sitting there for 10 years, what have they done? When people criticise them, they blame Koh Tsu Koon,” he said.
He added that DAP had been making empty promises, making u-turns and staging dramas like those on television.
“Their constant bickering and in-fighting is akin to a family drama. I think it is more dramatic than the Hong Kong TVB drama.”
Mah also took aim at Pakatan Harapan parties, which he claimed were cultivating family dynasties.
“For the past 10 years, the opposition has been harping on and milking the idea of a ‘two-party system’ for Malaysia but instead they have been implementing a ‘hereditary or dynastic’ system within their own party.
“One party is controlled by a father-son combo, the other by a family and the new ‘flower’ party by a 93-year-old man (Dr Mahathir Mohamad) who is still bent on installing his son on the throne,” he said alluding to DAP, PKR and PPBM respectively.
Mah, who won the Teluk Intan seat in a by-election in 2014, also mocked the opposition coalition for their lack of a firm prime minister candidate.
“They are still deciding on their prime minister candidate although they have been together for some time and the general election is drawing closer.
“Everyone has their own nominee and then came a ludicrous idea where a ‘Transitional Prime Minister’ post has been created for the sake of passing it to another person.
“Do you think that when Dr Mahathir becomes the PM he will return the post to Anwar Ibrahim? He will give it to his son (Mukhriz Mahathir),” he said.
Mah reminded the opposition that the post of PM is not something to toy around as it involves the interest and wellbeing of Malaysia.
‘DAP has forsaken its original struggles’
“Lim Kit Siang (DAP adviser) spent his entire career opposing Mahathir and Mahathirism but today is willing to join hands with his former enemy who he branded a corrupt autocrat.
“How is this a party that claims to be a party of principles and values?
“For the past 10 years, the DAP has forsaken its original struggles such as morality, honesty and politics of principles for the sake of power and greed,” he said.
Mah then gave his assurance to Gerakan and MCA members gathered at the Dewan San Choon that the two Barisan Nasional parties will work together in the next general election (GE14).
“MCA and Gerakan have to face reality. Although in the past we didn’t like each other and held grudges against each other, I urge all members to come together and be prepared to face GE14 together.
“There may be past incidents, like sabotaging each other, but we will put these aside,” he said.-FMT

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