
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 22, 2018

Why is Najib afraid of a 93-year old?

As Dr Mahathir Mahathir looks back on his successes and his achievements for the nation, his recollections are tinged with sadness.
The former prime minister is not blind. He sees a nation which is torn apart. The Malays are focused on life after death. The politicians whom he once mentored are greedy and put self, above service to nation.
Mahathir realises that he has one last chance to make things right, for Malaysia. He needs to repair his tarnished reputation and he knows he cannot do it alone. The Opposition parties, cannot do it by themselves, nor can we, act on our own; but together, we have a chance.
Mahathir's resurgence into our lives, and politics, is one of many ironies. If most of the people he locked away under the ISA are prepared to work with him for a better Malaysia, why not you?
Many Malays live a hand-to-mouth existence, wondering how they will pay for their next meal.
The rural Malays identify with Mahathir. They will listen to him, and the language he uses to weave his magic over them, is simple and straightforward. 1MDB has very little traction with the Malays, but the GST has hit them hard.

Mahathir knows that they have no knowledge of money trails, offshore banks or money laundering. These are all alien concepts to them.
Where the Opposition has been unable to enter the Malay rural heartlands, Mahathir can.
In Mahathir's time, you rarely heard people in the entertainment world talking about the cost of living. Today, singers and actresses have been vocal about the many hardships of Malaysians.

When the current crop of ministers and senior politicians criticise these celebrities, they make matters worse and drive home the message that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is out of touch with the ordinary Malaysians.
When Mahathir and Anwar introduced changes to the local Malaysian Islamic scene, it was to counter the rising popularity of PAS at the time. PAS felt energised by the Islamic revolution that had taken over Iran.
Three-and-a-half decades later, Iran is seeing pockets of resistance against the rising conservatism, which has taken hold in Iran, while Malaysia appears to be trapped in a time warp.
Malaysians swell with pride when they see the Petronas Twin Towers, but Mahathir is aware that the soul of the country is as cold as the steel and concrete in its foundations, and lacks moral fibre.
The national car project, Proton, mobilised the rural folk and gave them a form of independence, but Najib has sold it to the People's Republic of China. Under Mahathir, the national airline, MAS, connected Malaysia to six continents, but today, London is its only European destination.
Umno-Baru has always told its Malay support base that it is the only party which can protect the Malays and defend Islam, lest the DAP-led Opposition, which will undermine the position of the Malays.
What can Najib say or do with Mahathir at the helm of the Opposition? Mahathir is neither Chinese, nor a DAP stooge. In fact, it is Najib who appears to have "sold" Malaysia to the mainland Chinese.
In recent days, Umno-Baru said that it was Abdul Razak Hussein, Najib's father, who rescued Mahathir from the political wilderness, after he was banished from the party, by Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra.
They failed to mention that Razak helped create Felda, but that his son has destroyed Felda.
Mahathir was involved in the constitutional crisis of 1987, had his spat with the judiciary and subsequently created the new party, Umno-Baru. He knows the party's weaknesses and strengths. He is prepared to destroy Umno-Baru because he can see that it has become a monster. He is the person who is best qualified to do the job.
Mahathir attracts record crowds in villages
When Mahathir visits the villages, he attracts record crowds. He does not need much publicity, whereas when Najib goes on these village walkabouts, he has been known to have a bunting of his father, Razak, and leaflets, reminding people of his father's greatness. How insecure is that?

We hear allegations that, in the past, Mahathir admonished, and threatened to sack, heads of departments who refused to kow-tow to him. Today, Najib and his ministers openly threaten to sack teachers or civil servants who vote for, or support the Opposition. Things must be desperate in today's Umno-Baru.
We are all a product of Mahathir's policies. What is done, is done. We cannot cry over spilt milk, but we can, at least ensure that we take precautions, to prevent a recurrence.
Today, we are on the cusp of a new beginning, but we have the moaners, complaining about Mahathir and the past, rather than focusing on the future.
What is there to lose, if we work together with Mahathir to rebuild Malaysia? He is not going to live forever. The Opposition politicians are not so stupid that they will allow him to build a new Mahathir empire.
Lessons have been learnt, but you need to have a modicum of trust. Would you prefer to live in the past and continue moaning, or spoil your votes, or boycott GE14?
Or are you ready to take this leap forward and change? It is not about you, or me, or Mahathir. It is about rebuilding Malaysia!

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). BlogTwitter.- Mkini

1 comment:

  1. doesn't surprise me that Republicans think this is a good idea though. They showed us with their recent tax plan that they care far more about corporations than American workers. Merit-based immigration would be just another boon for corporations that would hurt American workers. It's a bad idea!privacy fence installation cost


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