
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 19, 2018

Yoursay: Hokkien discount – preferential treatment for some Chinese?

YOURSAY | ‘Promoting sales along racial lines is not a desirable commercial practice.’
Anonymous #44199885: The government, in all its wisdom, sells our national carmaker to a China company and apparently their first act is to offer discounts to Malaysians who are Hokkiens.
Why are the rest of Malaysia denied the benefit of this discount? Why are discounts offered on basis of language or tribalism?
The other carmakers do offer discounts to select groups but this is on the basis of a categorisation based on profession or trade or business or corporate body, not one that discriminates on basis of race or religion or language or tribe.
Such a practise if allowed will only fracture our society which is founded on the basis that all Malaysians are equal, regardless of what leaders like Gerakan Pembela Ummah leader Ismail Mina Ahmad and his ilk say.
This is fodder for the extremists to further their agenda to divide this nation and we should not allow this.
Yahoo: This offer of discounts is discriminatory. Why only for guild members under the Federation of Hokkien Associations of Malaysia?
What “mutual collaboration” is Proton talking about anyway to justify this discount? 
Picking one ethnic group over another shows prejudice. In all fairness, the discount should be given to all Malaysians, or none at all.
Nes: Proton discounts for Chinese people only? That is truly the greatest irony in Malaysia.
I am Hokkien, but this is ridiculous. Racial discrimination is bad enough, now dialect discrimination?
Anonymous 601121458294057: I am quite curious how they decide if a person is of Hokkien descent? Will they check my family tree, or will simply uttering a few Hokkien curses suffice?
Not that I care to buy a Proton, lest I support a racist organisation.
Anonymous 31081882: As a private company, Proton can do whatever they wish but giving discounts based on race – or, in this case, “sub-race” – is not a good practice.
Let's do away with anything based on race. We’ve had enough of that.
Ah Hoe: Take it easy, you grumbling lot - it's just that Hokkien is the biggest group of Chinese Malaysians and the advertising campaign is first aimed at them.
Surely, it’s just a matter of time before Proton extends that 10 percent discount to every clan, whether Chinese, Malay, Indians, Kadazan, Dayak, etc. Right?
Warrant Addict: Special discounts for graduates, teachers, nurses, public service retirees would be understandable. But it’s weird to do it based on race.
James 3392: We respect Proton as a private enterprise to carry out any form of sales promotion it deems beneficial to its business operation.
But promoting sales along racial lines is not a desirable commercial practice. It promotes division of race.
These China enterprises need to be taught to be tactful in conducting business outside of their country, not just how much sales or profit you can make.
Abasir: Is it possible the new Chinese owners of Proton, in their attempt to be more Malaysian, are simply copying the local, government-approved practice of giving special discounts based on "special privileges"?
It is, after all, a practice that is widely accepted by all Malaysians ... however unfair.
Digby Geste: I love this. This is the best karma for prime minister-to-be Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I’m almost inclined to believe this is orchestrated by his newfound nemesis just to make Mahathir angry.
Sure, this nemesis might lose a few votes, but even he will know that the extremists only like demonstrating when the outcome is a foregone conclusion – you can bully locals because the government will always swoop in to back you up.
But in this case, they’ll be neutered. They know how powerless they are. Welcome to the new world order.
Abasir: Oh no! Can you imagine the violent spasms among the motley crowd of ketuanan NGOs?
But worry not, Malaysia. This is just the opening gambit. Wait until the new Chinese owners of Malaysia go all the way with their own version of ketuanan. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Shibboleth: A storm is brewing. Jamal Yunos, Ali Tinju and Ibrahim Ali, where are you? Please, we need to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Let’s see whether you have the guts to criticise DRB-Hicom head honcho Syed Mokhtar Albukhary and Proton CEO Dr Li Chunrong.
From a marketing perspective, though, I think this is nuts. Price discrimination based on religion, race, gender, and now clan, what a way to offend all your other customers.
Not Convinced: So the Chinese are now getting ‘bumiputera’ discount, thanks to China’s stake in Proton.
Given that the country is allegedly being sold to China, perhaps this the shape of things to come.
Anonymous_5fb: Even a commercial business strategy can be politically played into a racial issue. This is Malaysia.
The Proton CEO has a lot to learn about Malaysia, more so GE is around the corner.
Fair Play: Sad fact of life. Proton is no longer an Umno-linked automobile company. Who they give discount to is their own business.
Mahsuri: No fans of motherland China, but doesn’t payback feel good? Obviously, China bows to no one and can flick their noses at special privileges for Malay-Muslims.
Anonymous_3e86: Very easy solution ... those bumiputeras who want the discount should convert to being a Hokkien, just like people convert to being a Muslim to get the bumiputera status.- Mkini

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