
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Mahathir Is A Desperate And Reckless Political Animal, A Has-Been Who Is Largely Bankrupt Of Ideas

Tunku Abdul Aziz
It is becoming clearer by the minute that with Mahathir’s erratic economic policy changes replacing the business-friendly and stable orderly environment that had been a feature of doing business in our country under BN, Malaysia seems irreversibly bent on self destruction.
The situation has certainly not been helped by the irrationally vindictive and childish behaviour of the leadership. Mahathir is a desperate and reckless political animal, a has-been who is largely bankrupt of ideas to take the country forward and join the ranks of high-income developed countries on the lines initiated by Najib’s trade and economic diplomacy. Mahathir’s model in relation to China has transformed fertile ground for a mutually beneficial business partnership into a business wasteland.
Setting the country on a potentially massive collision course  with China may satisfy his jumbo-size ego but does Mahathir really care about the fate of the people of this trading nation of ours? The US Government that has been exerting pressure on countries to distance themselves from China will be pleased with Mahathir’s antics but what does he think he is to get out of the US that would be of benefit to the people of Malaysia without selling our soul to the devil incarnate that is the USA today?
Mahathir, you have become an enemy of the state in the single-minded pursuit of an obsession of a personal agenda grounded in hate and vengeance. As your current good friend, George Soros, who at one time was your sworn enemy and punching bag once famously said at a conference in Hong Kong, that you had become a liability to your own country. That stricture on you is the only part of your make up that is still relevant. You, in a word, are IRRELEVANT.

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