
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 6, 2018

Mahathir Personally Met Jokowi To Request Jamal’s Arrest And Extradition

Anyway, Mahathir made a fool of Jokowi and now that Jamal is back in Malaysia he has not been implicated in the 1MDB matter or made to face any charges involving 1MDB. Breaking beer bottles and a fine of RM400 is too small a matter for the Prime Minister and President of two countries to discuss. The cost of Mahathir’s Indonesian trip alone was more than the RM400 fine that Jamal paid.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The IGP requested his Indonesian counterpart to arrest Jamal and extradite him back to Malaysia but the Indonesians tak layan
DAP denies that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is their puppet-on-a-string. But then in the case of the Umno Sungai Besar division chief, Jamal Mohd Yunos, DAP was very persistent that he be arrested and brought back to Malaysia. And Mahathir obliged.
At first the IGP, Mohamad Fuzi Harun, contacted his counterpart in Indonesia to request their help in arresting Jamal and in extraditing him back to Malaysia. The Indonesian police asked the IGP what crime Jamal had committed and they were told it was breaking beer bottles in front of the Selangor State Secretariat building, protesting, public nuisance, and so on. The punishment for this would be merely a fine of a few hundred Ringgit.
The Indonesian police did not think this crime was serious enough to warrant an extradition back to Malaysia. After all, protesting and demonstration is allowed in Indonesia and breaking beer bottles is not quite a terrorist activity. In Aceh, they would break beer bottles any time of the day to protest beer festivals. So what crime has been committed?
When the Indonesian police did not layan the request of the Malaysian police to arrest and extradite Jamal, Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin then got in touch with them. But the result was the same. No layan. Protesting, demonstrating and breaking beer bottles is not on the Indonesian police’s list of dangerous crimes.

Mahathir met Jokowi at Istana Bogor on 29th June 2018 and requested the Indonesian President’s help in arresting and extraditing Jamal

On 29th June 2018, Mahathir met up with Indonesian President Joko Widodo a.k.a. Jokowi and asked for his help to arrest and extradite Jamal. Mahathir told Jokowi that Jamal is wanted regarding his involvement in the 1MDB matter and it is very crucial that Jamal be sent back to Malaysia so that the 1MDB case can be resolved. Without Jamal the 1MDB case cannot be resolved and Najib Tun Razak can never be convicted and sent to jail.
In fact, this was what was reported by the Indonesian media — that Jamal was wanted regarding the 1MDB case (SEE THE VIDEOS BELOW). Because of that Jokowi agreed to arrest Jamal and send him back to Malaysia.

Jamal’s case had nothing to do with 1MDB

However, Jamal was merely fined RM400 when he pleaded guilty to the crime of breaking beer bottles. But then Mahathir told Jokowi that Jamal was wanted for his involvement in the 1MDB matter. That was when Jokowi realised Mahathir had conned him. Jamal was not wanted because of 1MDB. It was just for breaking beer bottles.
But why would a Prime Minister personally speak to a President to arrest someone wanted for breaking beer bottles, a crime that attracted a RM400 fine? Should not Mahathir instead be discussing the Palestine matter, international terrorism, the fallout to Malaysia and Indonesia on the China-US dispute, and so on?

Jamal was treated like an international terrorist but in the end was merely fined RM400 for breaking beer bottles

The issue is it is DAP that wants Jamal punished. So, Mahathir is just doing DAP a favour. DAP is worried that if Jamal is allowed to remain in Indonesia he might start a very strong anti-Pakatan movement. And this will pose a danger to Pakatan Harapan.
This happened 20 years ago in 1998. At that time Ezam Mohd Nor and many of Anwar Ibrahim’s supporters ran away to Indonesia and stayed there for six months where they launched the Reformasi movement. Ten years later, in 2008, Barisan Nasional faced its first serious challenge and 20 years later, in 2018, the ruling coalition fell.
If Jamal is allowed to remain in Indonesia the same thing will happen and this time it will not take ten years or 20 years. By GE15, Pakatan Harapan is going to suffer, mainly because of its own doing of not delivering its election promises.
Anyway, Mahathir made a fool of Jokowi and now that Jamal is back in Malaysia he has not been implicated in the 1MDB matter or made to face any charges involving 1MDB. Breaking beer bottles and a fine of RM400 is too small a matter for the Prime Minister and President of two countries to discuss. The cost of Mahathir’s Indonesian trip alone was more than the RM400 fine that Jamal paid.


  1. This rpk psyco is in a state of dillusion. What kind of a stupid and wild stories he has penned down in his ficticious blog. If anyone looking for fake news, look into rpk blog. He is rated top in the world.
    I felt pity for him for wanting to take revenge on TDM for putting him behind bars under ISA. I really do but writing a nonsensical news full of wild imagination as a blogger is absolutely digussting.
    Hello rpk you can do better then that. If you continue this way you will be worst then the umno moron that played race and religious sentiment which the people of Malaysia has had enough of and find it utterly nonsense.

  2. Why the heck this shit is entertained anyway? Probably as amusement?


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