
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 23, 2018

Malaysia Still In Extreme Danger : Government Agencies Dragging Their Feet Against Kleptocrats

I   had a very interesting conversation this morning.  It was like a 'Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah" walk down history. Recent history.  

1.   Folks, our country is NOT out of danger yet. The crooks are not only free and running around but they are reorganising themselves, buying influence and preparing for a comeback.     

In a one line summary  these people do not have the country's interests or the people's interests at heart. They are only for their own pockets.

And they are being assisted by other crooks and people who have taken money from them.  Sadly there are also those in the Civil Service, Police, MACC, the AG's Chambers and other  Civil Servants  who are confused over "ketuanan" and suffer false nostalgia.

2.   As an example one of the senior kleptocrats under Super Moron who used his family members to "sapu"  contracts and projects  is now in dire straits. The kleptocrat used his influence to get huge projects and easy financing for his sons. They are now going bust.  To get out of the rut, they were "negotiating"  for Tabung Haji  to bail out one of their businesses.  Luckily for us, the kleptocrats lost the elections. So their Tabung Haji deal went kaput. Now they are facing bankruptcy. But they have not given up yet.

3.  Recall the fall of the Perak DAP government in 2009?  Here is some Wikipedia :

'On 30 January 2009 two state assemblymen from PKR, senior state exco member Jamaluddin Mat Radzi and Mohd Osman Jailu, who were both previously accused of corruption[8] went missing from their homes.[9] The State Assembly speaker V. Sivakumar of the DAP then declared the seats held by Jamaluddin and Osman vacant and informed the Election Commission to initiate a by-election in the two ridings. On 2 February 2009 both assemblymen reappeared and declared themselves independent assemblymen while pledging support for Barisan Nasional in confidence matters.'

In 2009 the jump by these two PKR characters started the fall of the DAP led government in Perak.  Note this they were  "both previously accused of corruption[8]".  So after they jumped what happened to the corruption charges against them?  Wouldnt we like to know?  I heard plenty moolas changed hands. Even a house was thrown in. Very interesting. 

4. Talk is the MACC, PDRM, the AG's Chambers and Senior Civil Servants are split between those who support the new Government and those who still harbour sympathies and nostalgia for the old kleptocracy.  There are plenty of spies feeding confidential information to the kleptocrats. There is plenty of foot dragging going on.  Its a bit of a mess inside  the Government right now.   

Kleptocracy era Civil Servants do not want to quit and go. They are trying their best to stay on. Some are succeeding because Pakatan Harapan Ministers are giving them room.   A number of Pakatan Harapan Ministers (DAP, PKR, Amanah) have chosen to retain kleptocracy era Civil Servants. 

5. The arrival of Musa Aman the former Sabah Chief minister at Subang yesterday.
  • Musa returned from London, arrived 6.45pm
  • Immigration checks on aircraft due to health reasons
  • All document checks completed 7pm

Wow !! Musa Aman is back. Cleared in 15 minutes flat. Fantastic.  How come the Police and MACC did not arrest him on the spot? There was a request to Interpol to locate him. So has the Police / KDN told Interpol that the request is now cancelled? He should have been arrested first and then sent to the hospital - since he has become critically ill on the return leg from the exciting city of  London.  This is really quite "tak masuk akal".   This is an example of foot dragging by the Police and the MACC.

6.  The talk is there was strong objection to Azmin the Economic Affairs Minister going to China with Tun Dr Mahathir. The objection came from the PKR side - from the Brader's clique.  However Azmin is still slated to win the PKR Deputy Presidency.  The money is still on Azmin.  Like it or not Azmin is growing  in stature not only within PKR but also among many   Malays in Bersatu, Amanah,  PKR, UMNO and even in PAS.  Azmin is shaping up to be the great Malay Hope - a future Prime Minister.

7.   About the ECRL, the realistic costing for Phase 1 is about RM20 billion.  Jolo and BN Minister R____n  D____n  arranged the deal and inflated the price to RM55b for Phase 1.  So it is more than 100% overpriced.  The Chinese government says they are not aware it was so overpriced.  It is possible that JoLo, R___ D ___ did a crooked deal with the Chinese contractors without the knowledge of the Chinese government.

The whole deal was an obvious FRAUD.  One way to break any impasse with the Chinese over cancelling this deal is to go for an ARBITRATION. But the Chinese are afraid of any ARBITRATION.  They do not want any ARBITRATION.

8.  Kuala Lumpur  is sinking in 1MDB money. Super  Moron and gang are hiring all the top law firms in KL.   One KL law firm has been paid RM40 million in retainer fees.

That new US lawfirm appointed by Moron is paid US$1.0 MILLION PER MEETING. That is RM4.0 million PER MEETING.   That is our money. Stolen 1MDB money that is being splurged to buy lawyers and other influence. Quite disgusting.

9.  The   Brader is talking very closely  to UMNO.   He wants Java Man to help him arrange another coup de etat against Tun Dr M.   The last attempt in 1997 (??) failed quite miserably.  They originally wanted Johari A. to be the  Speaker of Parliament. Then it would be easier for them to move a No Confidence motion against Dr M.   

10.  On a final note, the Brader does not seem to understand the basics of the Separation of Powers between the Executive  (PM and Cabinet), Legislative (Parliament),  Judiciary (the Judges)  and Monarchy too (in Malaysia)..  

He is now talking about Parliamentary Reform.  How can the Executive ie Prime Minister and / or the Cabinet initiate reform in the Legislature (Parliament) ? 

In the concept of  Separation of Powers the Executive (PM / Cabinet)  CANNOT interfere in the  Legislature (Parliament).

It is up to the Speaker of Parliament to initiate any Reforms in Parliament.  

The Brader does not even understand simple things like these. 

Lately the Brader is really dying for new and workable ideas. He has been saying silly things in the past about Qardawi, Erdogan, Turkey and other such irrelevant nonsense.  

Now someone has advised him wrongly about 'Parliamentary Reform".

Itu pun sudah silap prosedur.

His family does not trust him enough to give up their Parliamentary seats for him.  Keluarga sendiri pun tak mahu 'sacrifice' bagi ayah / suami Anugerah Tuhan.

Many things are just not right with the Brader's situation right now.

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