
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Why Iran Is In An Irreversible Situation

Image result for Iran

The question is always the timing. 
And how long you can suffer the results of some wrong decisions?
Plus how much negative impact it will have on you?

If you bought a wrong car you will probably realise your mistake in a year or two.
You may have to sell the car and buy another one.
It is most likely that you will suffer some financial loss. 
But you must change the car. 
The longer you wait, then you may suffer more than just financial loss.
But you will most certainly survive buying the wrong car.
Not much time will be wasted.

If you married the wrong person how long will it take before you realise the mistake? 
You may have to end the marriage. 
Ending a marriage causes humongous loss, especially when there are children involved. 
If you wish to remarry, can you remarry? Or are you too old to marry again?
If you had detected the mistake much earlier, you will have a better chance of remarrying and restarting your life, especially if you did not have any children yet. 
You may or may not "survive" ending a marriage.
You grow old with time. 

When you make big mistakes where time is critical, then you will realise that you have fewer options to recover from those mistakes. The loss will be much larger. And you have become much older. Death approaches. Time is so short.

If a people picked a wrong government, or wrong system of government, or a wrong government policy how much time must pass before they realise their mistake? How many generations must suffer or get destroyed before they can correct their mistakes?

How come other societies and countries rarely make mistakes? They seem to be going from one level of  progress to a higher level of progress with each passing generation.

Lets compare communism and free market capitalism.

Communism has brought some social progress but terrible and horrible economic advancement. 

Without a doubt ALL communists were poor. And are still poor.

Communism is actually a religion. You have the inviolable principles of communism - just like religion. 

Then there are the Chief High Priests of communism - just like the religious priests. They interpret communism / religion for you.

Then there are the enforcers of communism like the ostard wal retards who enforce religion. 

The net result of communism is always poverty. People become poor. There is a simple reason. They remove peoples' freedom to do what they want with their lives. That causes poverty.

The Soviets imposed communism on Russia for 70 years - from 1917 until about 1987. The Berlin Wall collapsed in 1989.

70 years is about three generations (grandpa, father, son). Three generations have been destroyed. Their lives were destroyed - in the service of communism.

Our NEP has had some good. It has also had plenty of bad.

After 48 years, the bad effects of the NEP are ONLY NOW becoming even more pronounced and even more damaging.  The 48 year old crows of the NEP are now coming home to roost.

For 48 years we have been nurturing incompetence, poor attitudes, racism and now religious superiority (also a by product). The children of the NEP are now becoming fully entrenched. They are now in charge of the country.  Of the policy making. 

  • The education system is in a terrible situation.
  • Only 4 Sukhois and MIGs are capable of flying.
  • The GLCs are in shambles.
  • The services at government departments is horrible.
  • (We have been trying for FIVE years to change the address for our Quit Rent with the DBKL.  FIVE YEARS just to change address. We tried again this year. Still no news yet. Online, calling on the phone, filling up the Change of Address forms at the DBKL).
  • Corruption is endemic.
  • The Malays and bumiputras are again not going anywhere in a hurry.
  • The local tv and films are brain dead type stupid. 
  • The list goes on.

Do we think the new Pakatan government can change things in a hurry? I dont think so.

So how many years is it going to take for us to realise that the "not so good" from the NEP is now gaining more momentum? It is going to cause even more loss for the Malays and bumiputras.  They are going to become poorer.

And so we come to the story of Iran. 

40 years ago in 1978 the Iranian people did something great and then at the same time they committed a huge mistake. First they overthrew the Shah which was a good thing. Then they elevated the mullahs into power - which was a serious mistake.  

Now after 40 years of this huge mistake, Iran is in turmoil. The Iranian people realise their mistake. 40 years have been lost. 

Here is an Iranian mullah who says exactly this - that 40 years ago the Iranian people made a mistake.

Link :  https://youtu.be/iOcoHiqWbEQ

Iranians are now getting poorer. Since they are Shias we in Malaysia (where Shiahism is a crime) know for a fact that all the Shias are all going to burn in hell.  
So the Shias in Iran have burdened themselves with a double whammy.

First they are poor and getting poorer. 
Next up they are all going to burn in hell.  
What a terrible waste.

The guy in the video, also a mullah but perhaps a little more enlightened, says that for 40 years the mullahs have been stealing from the Iranian people.

The Iranian people would not mind if the mullahs stole money ONLY if the mullahs knew how to prosper the nation. They put some money in their pocket but they should also put money in the peoples' pocket. Actually they should just let people do what they want to do. 

But this is something the mullahs cannot achieve. The Iranians have become poorer.  Because their religion cannot make them progress.

Religion is synonymous with backwardness. 
Please repeat this 50 times. 
Religion is synonymous with backwardness.

A religious education is NOT an education at all.
If you have a PhD in religion, it simply means that you have a PhD in backwardness. 
You are highly qualified in backwardness. 

So now the Iranians are finding out that the mullahs have taken them down the road to hell.

If you are not convinced just take a drive to our very own Serambi Maksiat which has been ruled by the retards for about 30 years now. But the people there are quite happy to live a docile way of life.  That is a double whammy. Maybe a triple whammy.

Coming back to Iran - the Persian civilisation is much, much older than the mullahs.

The Persian civilisation is one of the greatest civilisations known to man. 

Zoroaster, Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, the Chosroes (Caesars / Kaisers) stretch from over 3000 years ago. Much much longer than the retard mullahs who are johnny come latelys on the Persian time line. 

I believe the great Persian people will reclaim their place in history - minus the retard mullahs. 

I think the Persian people will be the first to fully rid themselves of 1400 years of mullahism. The time has come.  It is dawning upon us.  

Lets wait and see.

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