
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Yoursay: How can Singapore seize Jho Low's jet and ask us for parking fees?

YOURSAY | 'They seized the jet at their own peril, neither at our request nor with our consultation.'
Lebai Pencen: The Indonesians returned the 1MDB-linked superyacht Equanimity without asking for payment, but Singapore wants RM3.5 million in parking fees for a seized jet allegedly belonging to businessperson Jho Low. That's the difference between a good neighbour and an untrustworthy, bad one.
With “friends” like Singapore, who needs enemies?
Anonymous_1528208588: How can Singapore seize the plane and ask for parking fees?
Odysseus: Singapore is showing its true colours as a neighbour.
Indonesia happily, freely, and willingly handed over the yacht to us without asking for a single cent. Here, you have a neighbour who depends on your water for their daily consumption and wants to play hardball when you are suffering financially.
Perhaps, the public should rise up and show the Singaporeans how a neighbour should and should not behave. First, charge their nationals in Singapore dollars for all the meals they consume in Malaysia. Then, the plane will fly back free of charge.
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Singapore seized the jet at their own peril. It was neither at our request nor in consultation with us. Thus their demands that we pay for their bungle is indeed flabbergasting, more so the possibility that after paying them their exorbitant charges, we may end up with a white elephant.
Their demand is akin to disgraceful beggars who won't think twice about stealing our last dollar to feed their in-bred kiasu culture. The water agreement where they buy raw water at 3 cents from us and resell it at a whopping profit bears testimony of their unfettered arrogance and greed at our expense.
Singapore was one of the centres where 1MDB's stolen funds were laundered, but their probe was overly cautious and carefully contained to protect the wrongdoers here and for us to suffer the brunt of it.
Malaysia should not part with even a single cent and let them pay the price of their own stupidity.
The Sounds: Why can’t Singapore just send back the jet in return for building a good relationship with Malaysia and show some goodwill? What’s this RM3.5 million to them?
Singapore premier Lee Hsien Loong has some learning to do from Indonesian president Joko Widodo.
Kangkung: Singapore is pissed off because of the cancellation of the High-Speed Rail (HSR) project. If it is worth it, then pay the parking bill and then auction the jet off. If not, then let Lee Hsien Loong enjoy it.
DL: I’m not sure why commenters here think that Singapore owes Malaysia a good deed to be a “good neighbour”.
We are not a particularly “good neighbour” to them, too. The plane is in Singapore, they have their laws to adhere to, and this is also applicable to their own citizens.
They don’t owe us anything, especially to clean up our own mess. If we want to claim the jet back, pay the fee and take it back.
Don’t Just Talk: What is RM3.5 million in parking fees, when the jet's market value is US$35 millions?
If the owner of the jet is Low, then the Malaysian government should take possession of the jet as soon as possible.
Hopeful123: Pay up the parking fees and fly it to Malaysia and auction it to the highest bidder.
Don't waste time and end up paying higher parking charges. Surely it is worth auctioning.
Clever Voter: The word is “if”. The Mahathir government has to weigh the costs and benefits of taking possession of the private plane. Legal ownership is an issue, and the value of the plane is debatable. Why bother to pay the RM3.5 million, when it comes with headaches, especially financial risks and costs?
Let Low figure it out with the Singapore government, and let it be a test case of the latter's position on this. One has a sneaky feeling that Singapore chose to do nothing with the money laundering business of Low and his friends.
Nagu: For this little red dot called Singapore, it's all about the money. When 1MDB money was laundered through Singaporean banks, they did little and enjoyed the financial benefits. There was just a little fine here and there, but other than that, nothing.
There is no magnanimity with these Singaporeans who are all ex-Malaysians to begin with. No wonder Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad gets upset with their “must win all the time” attitude.
Wira: Singapore should just auction off the plane, take their dues and return the balance to Malaysia, as what happens when you buy a house and cannot service the loan.
The bank auctions your house, recovers its dues and returns you the balance.
Pahatian: Because the plane doesn't really belong to Low (it appears to have been bought using 1MDB funds), that's why he just left it at Seletar Airport to rot (since it's not his money at stake).
If he wants it back, he has to pay back every cent that the government has incurred to fly the plane back to Malaysia.
Give him a time frame to claim it, or else the plane will be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
On the same tune, is the Pakatan Harapan government going to dispose of some of the jets bought by the previous government?
It will be a good source of revenue to reduce the nation's debts.
MahuSeeLui: Is the aircraft now worth the asking amount plus selling cost? If not, just let it rot in Seletar airbase or leave it there as Singapore's problem to do as it pleases.
The new government has bigger problems relating to 1MDB, plus the financial mismanagement relating to tax refunds.
We have billions of problems finding money, thanks to the kleptocrat and his BN sycophants, his greed, incompetence and hunger for power.
Anonymous #33227154: If that's Singapore's position, then the Malaysian government should ask the Singapore government to pay up the millions of ringgit in traffic summonses and fines owe by Singaporean drivers first.
For Singaporeans, it's always all about money, they have nothing else to fall back on.
Jk7462000: Every time I read news of the total mess that former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak has left for us, the more pissed I get.
It really boils my blood and strengthens my resolve that I made the right choice for my family, especially the kids.

Anonymous #66570468: Leave the jet there, let it rot and be an eyesore. Eventually, Singapore will come begging Malaysia to claim it. - Mkini

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