
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 23, 2018

Yoursay: MCA has no moral standing to keep Harapan gov’t accountable

YOURSAY | ‘The issue here is the credibility, not availability, of MCA’s checks and balances.’
Vijay47: What does MCA vice-president Chew Mei Fun and her party know about checks and balances?
DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang was absolutely right when he said MCA had no clue about how to conduct itself as a credible, effective opposition party with regard to the government’s performance.
Far from feeling worried or threatened, Lim actually welcomed the notion of MCA and others keeping a watchful eye on how Pakatan Harapan carried out its responsibilities.
With all his years of experience in politics, Lim is fully aware that a government’s greatest enemy is its own arrogance and conviction of infallibility, a test that former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and Umno failed miserably.
Lim’s lack of confidence in what MCA could be expected to contribute may perhaps have been influenced by that party’s track record these last 60 years when it never had a critical word to say about Umno’s rule and abuses.
Even today, after all the devastation Umno has wreaked on the country, MCA can only continue to play a subservient role towards Umno.
Jasmine: Chew, an honest and decent politician doesn’t have to be in the opposition to be an effective check-and-balance asset to the government.
You and MCA were there in the administration for decades, but were mostly comatose to all that was evil, corrupt and utterly wrong.
What did you or your president and others do or even say to keep things in check? It has now been revealed that all of you had failed the citizens miserably. Why?
Obviously there was no moral conviction, with which you and your party colleagues could have shown proof that the people’s interests mattered most. But it was not to be.
Holding on to posts and looking after selected and vested interests was the correct thing to do for decades. You and the other minions in BN were all beholden to the big corrupt bully, Umno.
Yet, hypocritically, you try and take the high moral ground today.
Malaysian-United: No, Lim and DAP are not afraid of having checks and balances on the Harapan government; in fact, Lim welcomes it.
Lim is just saying MCA is not qualified for the role, and I fully agree with him.
The issue here is the credibility, not availability, of MCA-type checks and balances.
Maybe over time MCA can be rejuvenated and upgraded for the role, but at the moment it's not up to par yet.
Rku020: MCA has to first explain why they were deaf, mute and ignorant during the Najib regime.
Now they want to provide a check and balance. First, they have to honestly redeem themselves for the past.
Credibility has to be earned. Talk is not enough.
Frankie: You were in the past government with an allegedly kleptocratic administration, and you said not a single word about it.
What has made you find your voice now and be able to check and balance the current government?
Jackay Way: I think MCA does not seem to understand what Lim was trying to say.
How can MCA, which has never played a check-and-balance role before, suddenly be so keen and enthusiastic in providing checks and balances against the new Harapan government?
If MCA still doesn't understand, let me repeat what Lim has said.
Replace your underperforming leaders, go for some internal soul searching, train your members on how to perform as a credible opposition, et cetera.
Then nobody will accuse MCA of not performing its check-and-balance role.
Blessed Malaysian: Checks and balances need not necessarily come from the opposition.
The elected MPs of the government of the day are not rubber stampers. They also provide the required checks and balances, as they are serving the rakyat and are expected to speak up for correct and effective governance too.
Pat20231: All is not lost, MCA, I still feel you were the best of the BN component parties.
Detach yourself from all the stigma that burdened you during BN rule and start to sound like a credible opposition party.
Enough of the comments from Ayer Hitam MP Wee Ka Siong, it is just not going to work.
Come on, MCA, get back to reality, don't become part of Malaysian history.
Susahkes: Chew, I am in agreement with Lim's assertion. Because MCA attempting to provide parliamentary checks and balances is like asking US mobster Al Capone to provide counseling in Alcoholics Anonymous.
The present coterie of MCA leaders simply does not have the moral right. Mkini

1 comment:

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