
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 6, 2018

Yoursay: Tajuddin’s ‘Christian DAP’ attack uncalled for

YOURSAY | This Umno MP is a purveyor of hate, lies and slander.
Vijay47: Fortunately for Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, stupidity however gross is not an offence. But unfortunately for him, incitement through false statements on religion is indeed criminal.
It now appears that merely being of a non-Muslim faith, and especially a Christian, is a dangerous element presaging the spread of Christianity and the abolishment of the monarchy, followed no doubt by the elimination of Malays, the Malay language, and Islam itself.
Why do Malay-Muslim politicians insist on treating their own community as utter imbeciles unable to distinguish between reality and the ramblings of mad-men? It would be useful if this Umno leader were to offer a single instance when non-Muslim leaders proselytised their beliefs.
Of course, Tajuddin would maintain that good conduct itself is a form of preaching, non-Muslim politicians should reflect only a lifestyle given to taking bribes, making visits to Bali, indulging in drugs, and enjoying child-brides.
Why do so-called Islamic teachers like Tajuddin and Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik make only offensive statements about other religions, never the glory of their own?
It is about time the authorities came down hard on such demagogues, the police cannot continue to remain silent for fear of upsetting the delicate sentiments of the Muslim majority.
Perhaps in keeping with his personal encounter with God, Tajuddin simply cannot resist including kok-and-bull aspects even when speaking on matters of his Islamic faith.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Tajuddin is a purveyor of hate, lies and slander. The majority of DAP leaders are not Christian and the party is secular.
Christians only make up a paltry 9% of the population. How can they propagate their religion when federal and state Islamic laws prohibit such propagation to Muslims?
The country can never become a republic unless the Malay rulers consent to it or there is a revolution. The monarchy is entrenched in the constitution.
Who has belittled the Malays and Islam and how? Indeed, the entire political establishment, the army and police are dominated by Malays and Muslims.
Jasmine: To ignore this man simply as being a sick racist and religious bigot would be very dangerous. He spits very venomous poison every time he speaks.
He can’t and shouldn’t be equated to the likes of Sungai Kandis candidate Lokman Noor Adam or Umno Sungai Besar chief Jamal Mohd Yunos.
Tajuddin is an appointed member of the Umno supreme council. That itself speaks volumes of what the current Umno leadership wants of him. He will continue with this despicable conduct both in Parliament and more so, in the rural areas where the real battle of the mind is not over yet.
He is a real threat to all that Malaysia should be and can be - a truly united and beautiful country to be proud of.
So, Pakatan Harapan, especially its Malay Muslim leaders, take the bull by its horn, go out to the field and address all this filth and falsehoods being spewed by all those in the Umno top echelon.
Jeez: There will always be an audience for these lies and divisive rhetoric. Just in any given society, there will be extremists from both ends of the spectrum. The sad thing is that there is still a large segment of our society that is still stuck in siege mentality that is fearful of imaginary threats.
The election results in Kelantan and Terengganu clearly shows that a significant proportion is in this category. One of the main reasons was that the Umno government has over the decades consciously perpetuating this xenophobia.
They used all kinds of instruments to do that, such as the mainstream media, political rhetoric, Biro Tatanegara (BTN), educational seminars, etc. To undo such mindset will take time, effort and strong political will.
This may take one or two generations but do we must or else we will take a tailspin spiral down to the depths such as in the Middle East.
A clear and simple action is through the educational system - to instil into our youths with a sense of belonging, pride, confidence and discard the crutch mentality, and see through the lens of one community as Malaysians.
The sedition law should be applied as intended by our founding forefathers to curb these extremists. Naturally, other measures have to be taken but strictly with the overriding objective of making the nation inclusive and progressive.
Here’s the six-million-dollar question; do we have the political leaders to make this change?
David Dass: What has their religion got to do with the jobs they have to perform? Perhaps there is a better way of framing the question. Will their religious beliefs help or hinder them in the discharge of their responsibilities?
Assuming that they are Christians, will their religious beliefs make them better or worse ministers? Will the fact that they are Christians make them a threat to Muslims?
Preaching their faith is not part of the function of a minister, whatever his or her faith. The majority of ministers in the cabinet are Muslims and no one speaks of the threat they pose to non-Muslims.
The majority of judges in the courts of Malaysia are Muslims and no one speaks of the threat they pose to non-Muslims. Such a suggestion would seem ridiculous.
Christians are not generally overt when they pray, and Christian worship generally occurs in churches and in homes. In that way, Muslims seldom know who a Christian is by his conduct.
You might recognise a Christian by some symbol he wears around his or her neck. Christians are not secretive about their faith but believe that faith is between an individual and God.
Jesus Christ was asked to summarise his teachings. And this is what he said: Love your God with all your strength and with all your might and love your neighbour as yourself. Who is your neighbour? Everyone - whatever his or her faith.
So, do not fear a Christian. In fact, do not fear a person of faith. For he or she would be a good person. Whatever his or her faith.
Labis Guy: In this wonderful land called Malaysia, can we have peace and harmony? No one should bring out the subject of religion to canvass for votes and to hurt people believing in other faiths.
It is sickening to read and hear about what I call nonsense. Let us respect one another without looking at their faith. All religions are essentially good.
Hang Babeuf: Umno must be made to repudiate these ideas and this seditious and divisive and illegal kind of campaigning.
The cost of its refusal to do so must be made clear. Those costs, it must be made to understand, are both political and legal. -Mkini

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