
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Anina, what's your problem with Easter?

I refrained from commenting on this over the solemn and holy Easter week because it would not be appropriate for me, as a Christian, to do so.
I feel that even expressing disappointment is an unholy act as all Christians are exhorted to pray, fast and avoid temptations of sin during the Easter Week. 
I am a sinner, but I hope I had lived up to my Christian faith this past week, even if only by suppressing my resentment of another person.
I have an issue with politician Anina Saadudin after she questioned the use of billboards In Kota Kinabalu to promote the holy week of Easter.
In her post uploaded on Good Friday, Anina said previously, such an advertisement was only displayed on banners or buntings, but the advertisements have been upgraded now to billboards.
“If it’s not high enough, use a crane. If it’s not big enough, add more pillars so the size can be doubled. Next year, advertise on television. We are equal, right?” her post read.
The billboard was put up by the Church of Mary Immaculate in Bukit Padang, one of several billboards put up by the Catholic Church statewide to promote the four-day Easter celebration.
I do not know Anina personally as I have little contact with Wanita Umno. I had not heard of her until she came out strongly against Najib Abdul Razak. After Umno, she joined Bersatu and was installed as its wanita leader.
She later fell out with Bersatu president, Muhyiddin Yassin, and left the new party. That could possibly be her greatest mistake. Otherwise, she could have been a cabinet member by now. Most founding members of Bersatu have had their due reward. Even a first-time assemblyperson can be a menteri besar.
I am not aware of Anina’s political affiliation today, but I guess she is still a politician, and I will consider her as one. If she still harbours political ambition, she has to change her ways. Constant feuding with party bosses, for whatever reason, will not get one far in politics.
That does not mean one must be totally subservient to a party leader, but principles and conscience must be in tandem with the ideologies and direction of the party one belongs to.
Leaders come and go, but the party should remain intact. Loyalty to a party leader is not important, but loyalty to the party is necessary. That is expected of all members of political parties. If that is too difficult to accept, then do the honourable thing – quit the party, or better still, quit politics altogether.
I’m not sure of Anina’s intention when she criticised the Easter billboards. So I have to ask her, “Anina, what’s your problem with Easter?”
As a Christian, it would not be right for me to be preachy to others of different faiths, so I will let our Muslim brethren respond to Anina’s outburst.
Shariah lawyer Hamid Ismail described Anina’s comments as “unwise and foolish”.
He said he had reservations of his own over the use of billboards for religious occasions in Sabah, but maintained that Anina should not have criticised it, whether for political purposes or to gain publicity.
“What looks good in Peninsular Malaysia may not look good in Sabah, and vice-versa. In Sabah, billboards with messages specifically aimed at the Christian community are common. This happened even before the 14th general election,” Hamid said.
The shariah lawyer added that Sabahans live in peace and harmony despite the multi-religious and multi-racial nature of their community as respect and tolerance are deeply rooted among them.
Institute for Development Studies executive director Johan Ariffin Samad said that Anina’s comments were neither helpful nor necessary.
“It only creates division and disharmony. Freedom of religion is guaranteed under our constitution, and in Sabah our interfaith relationship has always been good and promoted by successive state governments,” he said.
He added that every faith, which has money, can acquire space on a commercial billboard to celebrate festivities.
Soon, he said Malaysians will be celebrating Hari Raya and billboards will be used for the same purpose by Muslims to celebrate their joyous occasion.
“I don’t think any Christian will criticise such billboards or make an issue of it.
“Sabah is unique in religious tolerance and it should continue to be so. This kind of negative social media postings should be taken down or blocked,” he said.
Sabah PKR Youth information chief Razeef Rakimin said such billboards promoting Good Friday and other religious celebrations are common.
“This has been the norm for years, especially in Inanam and Penampang. But my faith as a Muslim has never felt threatened.
“In Sabah, this is normal because we are not racists, unlike the Umno ilk in the peninsula. That is why Sabahans rejected Umno,” he said.
Anina, what your fellow Muslims had said should make you think rationally before posting any religiously negative comments in future.
If it is your desire to continue to hog the political limelight, please act more responsibly. More importantly, make some serious effort to understand better the multi-religious façade of Sabah and Sarawak.
It is clear your Muslim brethren in the Borneo territories think and act differently from you. Religious tolerance and racial harmony in Sabah and Sarawak is a feature you will probably never understand.
Finally Anina, let me tell you this sincerely. I am not angry with you, just disappointed. As a Christian, I forgive you, my Muslim sister, for your carelessness. No, you do not have to apologise. Just don’t do it again.

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH heads the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) and can be reached at sirsiah@gmail.com  - Mkini

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