
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The most important agenda of our Pakatan Harapan federal government should be to look into ways to drastically reduce the prices of essential household food. The prices should be affordable to everyone, including the really poor.

Maybe the best way to reduce is by cutting-off the red tapes and by allowing everyone to import or distribute essential foodstuff. Taxes if any should be scrapped for these essential foodstuff.

Once the prices are within really affordable rates, the rakyat will have some extra monies to spend on other important needs.

At least other businesses could also survive by this government initiative.

If the PH federal government refuses to listen to the voices of the rakyat, they could be booted out anytime.

The rakyat is really angry and frustrated that the PH federal government is not concentrating on reviving the economy but seem to concentrate on HSR, ECRL and others which does not give the rakyat the food on the table to eat.

Even BSH (Bantuan Sara Hidup) had been made complicated and troublesome, making many applicants unable to upload or furnish the required documents while demanding the applicants to come to the tax department to hand over the required documents. Failure to handover had resulted in many applicants been rejected to receive this aid. BSH should have been made simple and any income verification should have been relied on the Income Tax department.

UMNO/BN leaders who were involved in corruption and having monies beyond their means should be investigated and these monies confiscated from them. These confiscated monies could be used to bring down many foodstuff prices and also help revive the economy. But the current federal government has not started any investigations yet and when will they be able to arrest and charge these culprits and confiscate these ill-gotten gains.

A good write-up on this economy topic, read here.

- Mohd. Kamal Abdullah

1 comment:

  1. Salam Tuan Mohd.Kamal.
    Sebagai blogger ternama..Tolong kempen dan perjuangkan supaya kerajaan PH menamatkan Polisi2 buruk Kerajaan BN seperti AP untuk bahan bahan Makanan terutamanya produk tenusu,daging,Buah & bijirin dan pelbagai jenis bawang.Hapuskan AP sertamerta .Buka
    pasaran seluas luasnya dengan batalkan monopoli yang hanya untungkan segelintir individu.
    Tulisan Sdr. Norman Fernandez itu amat betul sekali.
    Tuan lancarkan online petition atau forum pun dah cukup sebagai permulaan.


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