
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dear Ooi Eng Bee, So What If I Am Arrogant?

The problem is, to people like you, scolding and cursing someone who does not share your same view is considered freedom of speech. And please do not justify this by saying that scolding and cursing is part of Chinese culture and that I should respect Chinese culture. My wife is Chinese and she does not scold and curse you just because you pray to dead people. So your excuse is unacceptable.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Dear Ooi Eng Bee,
I refer to your complaint that you have been posting many comments over the last year but none have ever been published. Yes, I have noticed that every day you have been consistently posting 10 or 20 comments and that you have been doing so for at least a year or more.
The reason your comments (and you are not the only one, mind you) have not been approved is NOT because you posted opinions that differ from mine (I have no problems if you do not share my views) but because your comments are very rude and nasty.

This is not freedom of speech, even if DAP says so

I mean, if you post comments such as you believe Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus died on the cross and came back to life three days later, or you pray to dead ancestors and visit your ancestors’ graves on All Souls’ Day, or you believe God has eight arms and a human body with a head of an elephant, I would respect your belief and would not curse you or say nasty things to you.
You, however, (and, of course, your fellow DAP-Pakatan Harapan people as well) do not accord me that same respect. For example, if I were to say that, according to Islam, kafir like you will go to hell, never mind even if you are Mother Teresa and have done many great things in your life, and you will never ‘smell’ heaven, you will become very rude and will post nasty comments.
Please do not justify being rude and nasty as part of Chinese culture because my wife is also Chinese and she is not like the DAP people
You have your beliefs and I have mine. When you comment about your beliefs I have no problems with that. I may think you are an idiot for believing in such stupid things, but I allow you to be an idiot. I do not attack you just because you are an idiot. So why can’t you treat me the same?
This, Ooi Eng Bee, is why your comments are never published. The fact that you are Chinese is not the issue because we cannot expect all Chinese to be clever — even DAP Chinese. I mean look at Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Tony Pua, Superman Hew, and so on. I have met many Malay farmers who have more brains than DAP politicians.

Chinese are not born rude, they are taught to be rude

The problem is, to people like you, scolding and cursing someone who does not share your same view is considered freedom of speech. And please do not justify this by saying that scolding and cursing is part of Chinese culture and that I should respect Chinese culture. My wife is Chinese and she does not scold and curse you just because you pray to dead people. So your excuse is unacceptable.
Anyway, I own Malaysia Today so I can do what I please. Malaysia Today is not a democracy and I was not appointed to run Malaysia Today through a democratic election. So what if I look down on you just because I am a member of the Selangor Royal Family and I regard you as pendatang? In Malaysia Today, I can even call you a dog or a pig and if you do not like that then get out and stay out. Simple!

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