
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Goodbye To A Trusted Pair Of Boots

Some of the earlier posts were written much earlier. Blogspot allows you to 'Schedule' the uploads up to one month ahead.

It is another beautiful Sunday today.  The Sun is shining, there is a nice breeze blowing. 

Syukur Alhamdulillah for all the goodness that we have. 
Let us work for an even better world folks.

Had a simple and nice breakfast by the pool. 
Buah-buahan tempatan, eggs, toast and stuff.
Bila isteri sayang suami. 

The stiff breeze came through the windows. 

A bit of reminiscing today.  Below here are my old pair of jungle boots. I think it is a Fung Keong.  I got this pair almost 20 years ago.  This was standard footwear for the Communist Party of Malaya. 

After 20 years the boots are worn out, the soles have fallen apart (which you can see in the picture). 

I have worn this pair while camping and trekking in almost every jungle on the Peninsula except Belum and Endau.  There are so many memories that come with these pair of boots.

This is a really trusty old pair of boots that is of a superior design, comfort and 'ruggedness'. You can even use it as a 'pail' to fetch water - it holds plenty.  Those laces are eight feet long and tough. In an emergency you can use the laces to tie other things.  The canvas material breathes very well and your feet do not sweat as much.

Lately I had been using the boots for gardening, which can get quite intensive in our yard.

Anyway here is the replacement - another pair of also well designed rubber boots but with no 'breathing'. These are safety boots made of rubber which I bought at Ace Hardware for RM12.50 - an unbelievably low price.  They slip on and slip off easily but once you put them on they are tough and protect your feet well. 

I assume these boots are Made in China.

The point I would like to raise is we had a world beating shoe company and shoe brand Fung Keong. Why didnt Fung Keong become a word brand? Why didnt we help develop Fung Keong into a world brand?

The question still remains - why dont we help develop our local companies to become world brands?

We have actually missed the bus, boat, train and sampan on this one. 

In other emerging Asian Tiger economies their governments realised that to become an advanced country, to become an advanced economy, to become a high income country, to become a society with high standards of living they needed to produce products and services that can compete in the world market place.

Once their products could compete in the world markets, it meant that their factories would be in full production.

Once their factories are in full production their workers will have better pay.

Once their factories are in full production their engineers, technicians, designers etc will be paid higher wages and salaries to design even better products to compete in the world market.

That is why Asian Tiger economies push their local brands to compete in the world market. Governments work hand in hand with local businesses to develop and market their brands overseas.

It simply means more employment opportunities at home and a higher standard of living for everyone.

This is what Malaysia has missed.  

WE brought in plenty of FDI - which is very important. But FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) can also become FDD or Foreign Direct Divestment when they pack up and leave for cheaper manufacturing bases.

This is what has happened. Many FDIs have left for China, Thailand and Vietnam.

The successful Asian Tigers (Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, now China) not only depended on FDIs but also developed their own industries and brands.  

But they did not create new brands overnite. Instead their governments assisted existing brands become bigger, better and world class. The Daewoos and Hyundais were not 'mee segera' overnite creations. Daewoo was founded in the 1960s. Hyundai was founded in the 1940s. 

They were small players but the South Korean government gave them much needed help and boost to become world class players. 

This is a good model.  When the government helps local companies become global players they will create many high income jobs for the local population. 

Technical, engineering, marketing and other skills will develop to world class competition. 

Imagine if Fung Keong (I am just using them as an example because I had a pair of 20 year old Fung Keong boots) had been mentored and assisted to become a world class shoe manufacturer. The founder Fung Keong made his mark and his fortune in Malaysia - and also spread to Hong Kong and Canton. He died in Hong Kong. 

It would have created a world brand in rubber boots or rubber based footwear in Malaysia. Mr Fung Keong would have expanded his industry here. Plus Malaysia was the largest producer of rubber in the world. We have security of the raw material.

Imagine the other rubber based spinoffs that could have been nurtured.

It is not too late. I hope the government will stop wasting time trying to pull rabbits out of the hat.

That third national car will not work. It is doomed to failure.
30 years of Proton has been a colossal failure.

"Making the same mistake over and over again and expecting a different outcome is indeed insanity."

Einstein did not say that but it is sadly true. 
People repeat the same mistake again and again.
Maybe, just maybe, hopefully, insya allah - the next round the outcome will be different. 
It does not work that way lah.

Why not take a stick and poke it into a hornets nest.
If you do it repeatedly, can at least one outcome be different?

We really have to be logical, common sensical and realistic.

Imagine all those hundreds and thousands of skilled rubber workers, technicians, shoe designers and others that we could have produced in the country.

Some of them or many of them would have gone on to found and set up even more industries.  Its never too late.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the old pair of boots....it is also referred as ranger boots or Jungle boots...saya masih simpan lagi jungle boots Fung Keong tu.


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