
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Orang Puteh Memang Busuk Hati

Hundreds of millions of non-white people were murdered so that white people could get rich. The white people got rich on the blood of non-white people. White people started wars that killed hundreds of millions of not only non-white people but white people as well. Over 100 years from 1900 to 2000, more than 200 million people perished in wars started mainly by rich white countries.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The objective of colonisation was two-fold. First was to plunder the wealth of the countries they colonised and second was to Christianise the non-Christian nations, what the Christians used to refer to as pagans or kafir. Yes, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, etc., are considered pagans.
For hundreds of years, the whites plundered the countries which they colonised and brought the wealth of these plundered countries back to their homeland, motherland or fatherland, whatever you want to call these white countries.
White countries saw prosperity while their colonies lived in poverty. Eventually, these colonised countries in Asia, Africa, South America and many other places became Christian countries through forced-conversion to Christianity.

Hundreds of millions of non-white people were murdered so that white people could get rich

Hundreds of millions of non-white people were murdered so that white people could get rich. The white people got rich on the blood of non-white people. White people started wars that killed hundreds of millions of not only non-white people but white people as well. Over 100 years from 1900 to 2000, more than 200 million people perished in wars started mainly by rich white countries.
After bleeding the non-white countries dry, and after killing hundreds of millions of non-white people, the whites ‘graciously’ gave their old colonies independence. And then the whites dictated how we should run our newly-independent countries.
The whites decide on our behalf what is good and what is bad and what is allowed and what is not. The whites lay down the laws and rules and the moral code we should live by. And if we do not listen to what they say and do not adopt their rules and regulations, they will boycott us and impose embargoes on us and ruin our economy so that our people will die of hunger and disease. Sometimes they will even send their army to shoot our people and send their planes to bomb our cities so that the government collapses and a new government that is white-friendly takes over.

Today, white people are telling us how we should run our country and the type of government we should have

Today, the descendants of those white people who robbed us and stole from us and murdered us for hundreds of years are telling us how we should run our country and the type of government we should have. They tell us what trees we should plant, and it should not be oil palm, and whether we are allowed to cut down the trees in our forests.
They complain that the world is getting hotter, and the fish are getting less, and more and more animals are becoming extinct. They complain that the ice is melting and the sea is rising and the white people are not comfortable in summer any more like before because of the heat. They want us to keep our trees and not cut them down because what we do in our own country is not good for the white people who live 10,000 miles away in white countries.


  1. He himself half orang putih and now he lives in his ancestral homeland.


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