
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 8, 2019

Race Relation Not Addressed

Are we committed to stop this or do we just carry on till one day we have civil war?
We have already seen 2 by-elections and coming up is the Rantau by-election. I am just watching how the 2 coalitions are busy asking for votes but they hardly address the core race problems which Malaysians have been facing for many decades. We are simply trying to show the world that Malaysia is a multi-racial country but the relationship between races is weakening in Malaysia.

All of us should stop at this point and think, are we really united in Malaysia? Are the politicians uniting us? We should think this wisely before voting for anyone. For the past 60 years Malaysia has seen vast divisions among our own people. This is because the race and religion card has been played by politicians for their political mileage. Human rights and equal treatment have never been their agenda.

Time for all Malaysians to stop giving your free vote to coalitions which do not care to fix our core problems. The minority races especially, should put your demands before voting for any coalition or party. Your vote will ensure someone wins but remember your vote should also create stability in the nation. To create harmony in Malaysia, we should put END RACE & RELIGION based politics before voting.

For example in Ontario, Canada they have a law called Anti Racism Act. The points which stated in the act are:

Anti-racism strategy
2 (1) The Government of Ontario shall maintain an anti-racism strategy that aims to eliminate systemic racism and advance racial equity.

The strategy shall include the following:
1. Initiatives to eliminate systemic racism, including initiatives to identify and remove systemic barriers that contribute to inequitable racial outcomes.
2. Initiatives to advance racial equity.
One should not ill treat Indigenous, other communities, Black communities and other different forms of racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

In Australia they have such an act – Racial Discrimination Act 1975:
Racial discrimination to be unlawful
             (1)  It is unlawful for a person to do any act involving a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of any human right or fundamental freedom in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.
          (1A)  Where:
                     (a)  a person requires another person to comply with a term, condition or requirement which is not reasonable having regard to the circumstances of the case; and
                     (b)  the other person does not or cannot comply with the term, condition or requirement; and
                     (c)  the requirement to comply has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, by persons of the same race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin as the other person, of any human right or fundamental freedom in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life;
the act of requiring such compliance is to be treated, for the purposes of this Part, as an act involving a distinction based on, or an act done by reason of, the other person’s race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.
             (2)  A reference in this section to a human right or fundamental freedom in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life includes any right of a kind referred to in Article 5 of the Convention.
             (3)  This section does not apply in respect of the employment, or an application for the employment, of a person on a ship or aircraft (not being an Australian ship or aircraft) if that person was engaged, or applied, for that employment outside Australia.
             (4)  The succeeding provisions of this Part do not limit the generality of this section.
Rights to equality before the law
             (1)  If, by reason of, or of a provision of, a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory, persons of a particular race, colour or national or ethnic origin do not enjoy a right that is enjoyed by persons of another race, colour or national or ethnic origin, or enjoy a right to a more limited extent than persons of another race, colour or national or ethnic origin, then, notwithstanding anything in that law, persons of the first‑mentioned race, colour or national or ethnic origin shall, by force of this section, enjoy that right to the same extent as persons of that other race, colour or national or ethnic origin.
             (2)  A reference in subsection (1) to a right includes a reference to a right of a kind referred to in Article 5 of the Convention.
             (3)  Where a law contains a provision that:
                     (a)  authorizes property owned by an Aboriginal or a Torres Strait Islander to be managed by another person without the consent of the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; or
                     (b)  prevents or restricts an Aboriginal or a Torres Strait Islander from terminating the management by another person of property owned by the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
not being a provision that applies to persons generally without regard to their race, colour or national or ethnic origin, that provision shall be deemed to be a provision in relation to which subsection (1) applies and a reference in that subsection to a right includes a reference to a right of a person to manage property owned by the person.
Malaysia rejected ICERD by saying we have our own law which can unite races and religions but where is the law which unites race and religion in Malaysia? Who is in charge of it? Recently Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister Department YB Waytha Moorthy stated that a Harmony Act will be drafted very soon but then we hear that this will not be implemented. So the politicians are not serious about race and religion unity in Malaysia. Either it’s Pakatan or Barisan, they are practicing divide and rule. We are injecting more hatred between our own people.
Some people in Malaysia are saying racist Malaysians are a  minority, that the rest of the Malaysians are very united. There is a saying in Malay – ‘sebab nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga’. We might not admit that race relations is worsening but one drop of blue coloring, the whole pot of milk is spoiled. For example, just see how social media comments show how much hatred people have against each other.

Are we committed to stop this or do we just carry on till one day we have civil war? Frequently we are hearing the minorities should go back to their country as they are immigrants and so on. The government of today should seriously put this hatred to a STOP otherwise they will lose in the coming general election. The government of today is not listening to people who voted them in and collected money to help the country’s debt. Pakatan government is listening more to people who threaten them and never helped in voting them.

All the weaknesses in race and religion are happening because there is no Anti Racist Act and Anti Discrimination Act in Malaysia. Besides that, we are still practicing the old system which favors one race. After 62 years we are still practicing the apartheid system which will see the collapsing of our nation. It’s time for all Malaysians to put your demands to make the country better before voting for any party or coalition.

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