
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Rejam Dalam Al Quran : Untuk Makluman DYMM Sultan Negara Brunei Darus Salam. Jarum Yahudi Adalah Sangat Halus !

Beginning Wednesday, 3 April 2019 the State of Brunei Darus Salam has implemented stoning to death as a law in their land. The law has been implemented at the behest of HRH the Sultan of Brunei.

I am quite certain the Sultan's "religious" advisors have not advised HRH the Sultan of Brunei about the teachings of the Quran regarding the act of stoning someone.

As I have said many times before, the reason is very sim[le. The Sultan's religious advisors will NOT KNOW exactly how many verses in the Quran mention about stoning or R A J A M.

And even if they did, the Sultan of Brunei's religious advisors would not know WHERE TO LOCATE THOSE verses in the Quran that talk about R A J A M.

As I have said before, that lonely giraffe standing by itself in Zoo Negara will know more about the Quran than your religious scholar. 

The Quran is NOT a book that is read and understood by Muslims. 

Mr, Mrs and Miss Muslim, would you like some proof for this ? 
Proof for what?  Proof that the Sultan's religious advisors  will not know the Quran? 

Here is proof : Just ask yourself, do you know those verses in the Quran? 
You dont know ?? Nauzubillah.

Do you know any religious scholar who will know those verses? 
You dont know any? Nauzubillah.

Do you know any Mufti who will know those verses?  
You dont know any? Nauzubillah? 

In the same way no religious scholar in Brunei will also know the VERSES in the Quran that teach us about R A J A M.  Rest assured about this. 

But Mr, Mrs and Miss Muslim, despite not knowing any thing about what the Quran says about stoning people, or even about the Quran itself,  you are ready to abduct your shia neighbours and maybe kill them, you are ready to abduct christians and maybe kill them as well.  Or keep quiet and 'close one eye' while others do this for you.

Stoning people is called R A J A M in the arabic Quran, pronounced  'ra-jem'. 
In Malay we say "rejam" pronounced 'rej-jaam'.

The act of stoning or the threat of stoning someone, until  death is mentioned in FIVE verses in the Quran.  Here are ALL THE FIVE verses.

I doubt anyone will tell the Sultan of Brunei about this. But he should know because he is obviously leading his people down the STONE path.

Here are  ALL FIVE VERSES in Malay translation.

1.   Surah 44:20 "Dan sesungguhnya aku telah memohon perlindungan kepada Pemeliharaku dan Pemelihara kamu, daripada kamu merejam daku

Teguran Nabi Musa kepada kaum musyrik Firaun yang suka merejam manusia dengan batu. Dalam ayat ini, perbuatan rejam dengan batu adalah amalan kaum musyrik dan kafir.

2.   Surah 36:18  Penduduk bandar itu berkata pula: "Sesungguhnya kami merasa nahas dan malang dengan sebab kamu. Demi sesungguhnya, kalau kamu tidak berhenti tentulah kami akan merejam kamu dan sudah tentu kamu akan merasai dari pihak kami azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya". 

Satu lagi kaum musyrik dan kafir mengugut seorang Rasul Allah dengan di rejam.  Sekali lagi amalan rejam manusia dengan batu adalah amalan kaum musyrik dan kafir.

3.   Surah   26:116   Mereka (mengugut dengan) berkata: "Jika engkau tidak mahu berhenti wahai Nuh, sudah tentu engkau akan menjadi dari orang-orang yang direjam!" 

Kaum musyrik dan kafir mengugut untuk rejam Nabi Nuh jika Nuh tidak berhenti daripada menyampaikan utusannya kepada mereka.  Ayat ini pun menunjukkan bahawa perbuatan rejam itu adalah amalan orang musyrik dan kafir.

4.  Surah  19:46  Bapanya menjawab: "Patutkah engkau bencikan tuhan-tuhanku, wahai Ibrahim? Demi sesungguhnya jika engkau tidak berhenti daripada menyeru dan menasihati daku sudah tentu aku akan merejammu dengan batu; dan  engkau tinggalkan daku sepanjang masa

Inilah kisah sangat sedih Nabi Ibrahim yang begitu menyayangi ayahnya walaupun ayahnya daripada kalangan mushrik dan kafir. Di sini ayah Nabi Ibrahim pun mengugut untuk merejam Nabi Ibrahim dengan lontaran batu. 

5.  Surah  18:20  "Sesungguhnya, kalaulah mereka mengetahui hal kamu, tentulah mereka akan merejam dengan membunuh kamu, atau mereka akan mengembalikan kamu kepada ugama mereka dan jika berlaku demikian, kamu tidak sekali-kali akan berjaya selama-lamanya". 

Ini adalah kisah beberapa pemuda beriman yang menjadi penghuni gua al Kahfi untuk menjauhkan diri mereka daripada orang musyrik.  Kaum musyrik di sekitar mereka pun amalkan 'membunuh' manusia  melalui rejam dengan batu. 

These are ALL THE FIVE VERSES in the Quran that talk about the act of stoning people.  

IN ALL FIVE instances the Quran describes stoning (R A J A M) as the act of the musyriks and the kafirs.  It is NOT a good example. This is NOT the actions of Muslims or of a decent people. 

That is why the Quran never advocates stoning to death as an Islamic punishment. 

And the Quran never advocates using a bad example (like stoning  people)  just for the purpose of  teaching something.    

Surah 7:28   Dan apabila mereka melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yang keji, mereka berkata: "Kami dapati datuk nenek kami mengerjakannya, dan Allah perintahkan kami mengerjakannya". Katakanlah : "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak sekali-kali menyuruh mengerjakan perbuatan yang keji. Patutkah kamu mengatakan terhadap Allah apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya?"

Here is the English translation :

Sura 7:28  They commit grievous wrong, then say, "We found our parents doing this, and Allah has commanded us to do it." Say, "Allah  never advocates wrongdoing. Are you saying about Allah what you do not know?"

In the Quran Allah never advocates wrong doing. Or committing indecencies or committing shameful acts - even as an example, as a parable or to teach us something.  

The Quran never uses BAD EXAMPLES. 

Stoning people is certainly a Jewish teaching.  There are many Old Testament verses about stoning people to death in the Book of Numbers, Deuteronomy, Exodus and Leviticus.

Leviticus 24 -  13 The Lord said to Moses, saying: 14 Take the blasphemer outside the camp; and let all who were within hearing lay their hands on his head, and let the whole congregation stone him. 

Here is an old painting of the stoning to death of Saint Stephen - considered the first martyr in Christianity.  In 34 AD the Jews stoned Stephen to death in Jerusalem for the crime of blasphemy (murtad).

Saint Stephen, first martyr of Christianity, 
painted in 1506 by Marx Reichlich (1460–1520)

Stoning people to death is certainly  a Jewish Law.

So can the Muslims obey the old Jewish laws?  What does the Quran say?

Surah 2:120  Orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu sehingga engkau menurut ugama mereka. Katakanlah : "Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah itulah petunjuk yang benar". Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yang memberi) pengetahuan kepadamu maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah (sesuatupun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepada mu.

Sura 2:120   -     Never will the  Yahood or the Nasarenes be satisfied with you unless you follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah - that is the (only) Guidance."  If you were to follow their desires after the knowledge which has reached you,  then you will find neither Protector nor helper against Allah.

This is what the Quran says. Remember the Quran was taught to us Muslims by the Rasul or Messenger.

SOALAN CEPU EMAS :  Can the Rasul say one thing inside the Quran (jangan ikut agama Yahudi - do not follow the Jewish religion) and then say the exact opposite outside the Quran?

61:2  O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do?
61:3  Most abominable in the sight of Allah is that you say what you do not do.

[61:2]    Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mengapa kamu memperkatakan apa yang kamu tidak melakukannya! 

[61:3]    Amat besar kebenciannya di sisi Allah - kamu memperkatakan sesuatu yang kamu tidak melakukannya. 




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