
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 15, 2019


PH perlukan enam bulan lagi untuk pulih negara - Daim

14 April PH memerlukan enam bulan untuk memulihkan negara 
kata Pengerusi Majlis Penasihat Kerajaan, Tun Daim Zainuddin.

dalam tempoh itu PH perlu berdepan rakyat dan memberi penerangan tepat 
terutama dalam hal ekonomi agar mereka faham situasi semasa

kekalahan di Rantau cabaran yang harus ditangani 
rakyat tidak mampu bersabar dengan situasi semasa

"Kerajaan banyak masalah… fikir keselamatan, hubungan luar, pertahanan…

Nak turunkan harga barang tu memang boleh… 
kita buat kajian macam mana nak turunkan harga. 
Insyaallah tak lama lagi akan turun

Beliau kaitkan kekalahan Rantau manifestasi kemarahan rakyat 
disebabkan kenaikan harga barang 

Bukannya susah terangkan kepada rakyat
Kalau tak boleh buat cakap tak boleh buat
Bagi tahu apa sebab tak boleh buat 

My comments :  My advice is it is best NOT to make these types of "deadline" promises for turning around the economy. 

This is not a building project where the foundation will be laid in four months, the walls will go up in six weeks etc. This is the Malaysian economy.

It is also  bad that such "promises" are being made AFTER the PH has lost the Rantau by elections.  

Do not blame the people for saying that this is an after thought - just to save face.

But six months from when exactly? 
Today is April 14th 2019. 
Six months from now will be October 14th, 2019.

So does this mean that by Oct 14th, 2019 a Toyota Camry will sell for RM96,000? 

Because this is the 'closer to real market price'  for a Toyota Camry (latest 2019 model) - that is sold in the USA (as an example).  

In the USA, a "top-tier" Toyota Camry sells for US$34,700 which works out to about RM141,000 only.

In very wide contrast in a far away Third World country called Malaysia,  a Toyota Camry 2.5V  sells for RM189,900.   I dont know if this is a 'top tier' Camry.


RM190k - RM96k =  RM94,000 more than the Americans for a Toyota Camry. 

Even if you take the 'top tier' model sold in the US, the difference is still RM190k - RM141k = RM49,000 more in Malaysia.

Orang Malaya ini bodoh belaka ke? 

Kenapa sudi bayar almost TWO TIMES the market price?

There will be the 'tak faham apa pun' detractors. Ok, bagi kaum yang bodoh macam pintu, tak faham apa pun, here is a simpler example.

Harga teh tarik hari ini adalah RM1.50 (Ini harga pasaran kawasan KL lah).  

Bagi kaum bodoh sahaja, yang tak tahu kira, sila masuk kedai mamak dan bayar dia RM3.00 untuk satu teh tarik.  DUA KALI HARGA PASARAN.

Kalau mamak itu nampak terkejut, just tell him, 'Takpe mamak. Kami kaum bodoh. Kami sanggup bayar DUA KALI harga pasaran untuk barang keperluan kami. Its ok. Kamilah kaum bodoh macam pintu'.

If it is ok to pay TWO TIMES world market price for a Toyota Camry, then why dont you also pay TWO TIMES the market price for teh tarik?  Apa bezanya?

This part is a little blurry :   dalam tempoh (enam bulan) itu PH perlu berdepan rakyat dan memberi penerangan tepat 

So does this mean that it is going to take the PH six months to explain the real situation to the people?

The same SIX months in which the economy will turn around?

But ELEVEN WHOLE MONTHS have already gone by. 

Kadir Jasin is the chief of the communications team or something at the PM's Office. 
There seems to be a serious breakdown in your communications Dato.  And you have scolded Mat Sapian for non performance.  

Before the economy can turn around policies have to change. 

This is what the people are waiting for. 
Change the policy first. 
Once the policy has changed the people will know what to expect.

Then everyone (including the Alternative Media like this blog) will explain to the people. That is the easy part.


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